- Art and Design
- Biology
- Business
- Business management
- Chemistry
- Citizenship
- Computing
- Cymraeg
- Dance
- Design and manufacture
- Design and Technology
- Digital Technology
- Drama
- Engineering science
- English
- English Literature
- Expressive Arts
- Fashion and textile technology
- French
- Gaelic
- Gaelic (Learners)
- Geography
- German
- Graphic communication
- Health and food technology
- Health and wellbeing
- History
- Home Economics: Food and Nutrition
- Hospitality
- Humanities
- Irish (Learners)
- Irish Language
- Journalism
- Learning for Life and Work
- Learning for Sustainability
- Lifeskills Maths
- Literacy and English
- Mandarin
- Maths
- Media Studies
- Modern Foreign Languages
- Modern Languages
- Modern Studies
- Moving Image Arts
- Music
- Music Technology
- People, past events and societies
- People, place and environment
- Physical Education
- Physics
- Religious and moral education
- Religious Studies
- Religious, moral and philosophical studies
- Science
- Social Studies
- Spanish
- Sustainability
- Technologies
- The World Around Us
- Ulster Scots
- Welsh Baccalaureate
- Welsh Literature
- Welsh Second Language