BGS Geology Shop

About BGS — Contact us

In addition to the BGS online shop, we also operate the BGS Geology Shop in Keyworth, selling a variety of minerals, fossils, jewellery, educational items, and field equipment in addition to BGS publications. Why not come along to browse our range?

We now offer refreshments, so you can stop for a coffee, hot chocolate or herbal tea when you visit.

Information icon

Video tour of the BGS Keyworth shop.

The Keyworth geology shop is located in reception at the Keyworth site.

Please note,  the BGS site operates a cashless system, which means we are unable to process cash transactions and can only accept card payments.

These include:


We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.

Opening hours Contact details
Monday to Friday:
08:30 to 16:30 (last admission 16:00)Closed on weekends and bank holidays
Call: (+44) 0115 936 3100
Email: Geological Survey
Nicker Hill
NG12 5GG


The BGS London Information Point is located in the Angela Marmont Centre within the Natural History Museum.


Find out more about our work


About BGS

As the national geological survey, we are the UK’s premier provider of objective and authoritative scientific data, information and knowledge to help society understand our Earth.

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BGS Keyworth - Alexander Rotton

Contact us

Find out more about the BGS and the services we offer through our enquiries and customer services team.

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BGS London Geology Shop

BGS London Information Point

The BGS Information Point can be found within the Angela Marmont Centre in the Natural History Museum.

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