Environmental change, adaptation and resilience

BGS Research

Environmental change

The environmental change, adaptation and resilience challenge area seeks to reduce the vulnerability of social human infrastructure and biological systems to relatively sudden change. This requires us to understand our natural environment, anthropogenic interaction with the subsurface and environmental response, and to model associated change. To do this we will continue to research our groundwater, sea floor, coasts, soils and landscapes, and urban infrastructural interactions with the subsurface.

It is likely that climate change will continue to be a major societal problem and its effects will last many years, and adaptation will be necessary. Adaptation is especially important in developing countries since they are likely to bear the brunt of the effects of global warming. This challenge area aims to help with societal needs and protect our environment; our research is underpinned by excellent laboratories and science capabilities for the delivery of evidence-based science.

Find out more about our research

BGS White Ribbon boat on the Firth of Forth

Sea floor: marine geoscience

Providing independent and expert geological advice, research and data acquisition to anyone working in the marine environment.

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Seafloor drilling rig

Sea floor: scientific ocean drilling

Implementing several high profile expeditions for the European Consortium for Ocean Research Drilling (ECORD).

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Cityscape by Burst/Pexels

Urban geoscience

Providing solutions for urban land-use planning and sustainable development.

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Groundwater research

Addressing issues related to the sustainability of water resources and quality, and the effects of environmental change on the water cycle, natural hazards, and human health.

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Soils and landscapes

Understanding soil structure and soil and moisture dynamics in UK and African soils and the effects of increasing human populations, changing climates and the intensification in the use of our soils.

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groundwater flowpaths

Environmental modelling 

Advancing the understanding of environmental systems through innovative modelling techniques and interdisciplinary research.

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Need more information?

Please contact the science director for environmental change, adaptation and resilience

The BGS Strategy

Access our science strategy for 2023 to 2027, 'Understanding our Earth'

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