BGS events

GeoScour dataset launch event

BGS Product Development invites you to the launch of our newly updated dataset, GeoScour.

Event on 08/09/2022
River bank reinforcement. © Copyright Roger Whittleston and licensed for reuse under this Creative Commons Licence.
Protective measures installed to reinforce river bank against threat of erosion to road infrastructure in Scotland. © Roger Whittleston and licensed for reuse under the Creative Commons Licence.

BGS GeoScour Open datasets provide a generalised overview of the natural characteristics and properties of catchment and riverine environments for the assessment of river scour in Great Britain.

We’ve brought together research experts and product development experts to provide an introductory overview of our two new datasets, which comprise of two different tiers of geographical information system (GIS) data containing seven different data layers. Each tier represents a different scale of assessment, from high-level catchment to subcatchment data.

Our 30-minute webinar provides an overview of river scour and its associated river erosion hazards, including surface geology susceptibility and bedrock geology susceptibility, and will be followed by an introduction to the Open and Premium GeoScour data packages.

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Watch a recording of our BGS GeoScour launch webinar.

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