Stable isotope expert in the analysis and methods development for analysing nutrients (N, C and P). Research focusses are on modern environmental tracing, pollution tracing including expertise in methane stable isotope analysis, N and P cycling, phosphate oxygen isotope analysis and paleoclimate reconstruction.
Andrew Smith’s biography
- 2022 to current: BGS Envision Doctoral Training Partnership representative
- 2015 to current: Stable Isotope Geochemist, British Geological Survey
- 2010 to 2014: PhD Environmental Science, Lancaster University
Research interests
- NERC Environmental Isotope Facility – Stable isotope node of the NEIF facility
- Establishing a new palaeothermometer from the speleothem archive of phosphate-oxygen isotopes – NERC Exploring the frontiers of environmental research
ORCID: 0000-0002-7658-6234
Published outputs
NERC Open Research Archive – Dr Andrew C Smith
Google Scholar
Research Gate
Key papers
- Smith, A C, et al. 2024. Identifying the controls on nitrate and metabolic state within the Red River delta (Vietnam) with the use of stable isotopes. Journal of Hydrology, 628.
- Smith, A C, Welsh, S, Atkinson, H, Harris, D and Leng, M J. 2021. A new automated method for high‐throughput carbon and hydrogen isotope analysis of gaseous and dissolved methane at atmospheric concentrations. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 35 (11), e9086.
- Smith, A C, Pfahler, V, Tamburini, F, Blackwell, M S A, and Granger, S J. 2021. A review of phosphate oxygen isotope values in global bedrocks: characterising a critical endmember to the soil phosphorus system. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, 184 (1), 25–34.
- Smith, A C, Wynn, P M, Barker, P A, Leng, M J, Noble, S R, and Tych, W. 2016. North Atlantic forcing of moisture delivery to Europe throughout the Holocene. Scientific Reports, 6, 24745
- Phosphate oxygen isotope analysis
- Dual carbon and hydrogen isotope analysis in methane
- Carbon isotope analysis in C1-C3 gases
- Nitrogen isotope analysis from nitrate and ammonia
- Methods and instrument development
Boards and committees
- 2018: Chief Scientist British Cave Monitoring Centre
- 2018: Trustee and board member: British Cave Research Association