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38 results for "lyell centre"

Seabed geology data: results from stakeholder consultation
BGS collected valuable stakeholder feedback as part of a new Crown Estate-led initiative to improve understanding of national-scale seabed geology requirements.

How can Scotland re-establish its building stone industry?
British Geological Survey research, commissioned by Historic Environment Scotland, reveals an opportunity to re-establish the Scottish building stone market in order to maintain the country’s historic buildings.

Warnings for Scottish farmers and distillers as new data indicates climate change may double number of droughts
The agricultural and distilling sectors could face significant challenges after research finds the number of droughts in Scotland may double in the next 25 years.

New research reveals the secrets of the seabed off the East Anglian coast
New geological map will help in the hunt for new renewable energy opportunities whilst protecting delicate marine ecosystems.

BGS to update geological maps of Strathmore
A three-year project has begun to revise geological maps of Strathmore, which were last surveyed nearly 100 years ago.

Scientists produce first record of environmental data off coast of Hawai’i
An international team of researchers, including BGS geoscientists, have succeeded in acquiring a continuous record of environmental data using fossilised coral from Hawai’i.

BGS seismologist named editor-in-chief of Geophysical Journal International
Margarita Segou has been appointed as the editor-in-chief of one of the world’s leading, peer-reviewed research journals in solid-Earth geophysics.

Trans-Pacific Transit 2023: deep-diving ocean partnership sets sail
BGS has joined a multidisciplinary research expedition to ‘explore the unexplored’ and fill in some of the biggest gaps in our knowledge of the oceans' darkest depths.