Proverbs 13

1 filius sapiens doctrina patris qui autem inlusor est non audit cum arguitur
2 de fructu oris homo saturabitur bonis anima autem praevaricatorum iniqua
3 qui custodit os suum custodit animam suam qui autem inconsideratus est ad loquendum sentiet mala
4 vult et non vult piger anima autem operantium inpinguabitur
5 verbum mendax iustus detestabitur impius confundit et confundetur
6 iustitia custodit innocentis viam impietas vero peccato subplantat
7 est quasi dives cum nihil habeat et est quasi pauper cum in multis divitiis sit
8 redemptio animae viri divitiae suae qui autem pauper est increpationem non sustinet
9 lux iustorum laetificat lucerna autem impiorum extinguetur
10 inter superbos semper iurgia sunt qui autem agunt cuncta consilio reguntur sapientia
11 substantia festinata minuetur quae autem paulatim colligitur manu multiplicabitur
12 spes quae differtur adfligit animam lignum vitae desiderium veniens
13 qui detrahit alicui rei ipse se in futurum obligat qui autem timet praeceptum in pace versabitur
14 lex sapientis fons vitae ut declinet a ruina mortis
15 doctrina bona dabit gratiam in itinere contemptorum vorago
16 astutus omnia agit cum consilio qui autem fatuus est aperit stultitiam
17 nuntius impii cadet in malum legatus fidelis sanitas
18 egestas et ignominia ei qui deserit disciplinam qui autem adquiescit arguenti glorificabitur
19 desiderium si conpleatur delectat animam detestantur stulti eos qui fugiunt mala
20 qui cum sapientibus graditur sapiens erit amicus stultorum efficietur similis
21 peccatores persequetur malum et iustis retribuentur bona
22 bonus relinquet heredes filios et nepotes et custoditur iusto substantia peccatoris
23 multi cibi in novalibus patrum et alii congregantur absque iudicio
24 qui parcit virgae suae odit filium suum qui autem diligit illum instanter erudit
25 iustus comedit et replet animam suam venter autem impiorum insaturabilis

Proverbs 13 Commentary

Chapter 13

Verse 1 There is great hope of those that reverence their parents. There is little hope of any who will not hear those that deal faithfully with them. Verse 2 . By our words we must be justified or condemned, ( Verse 3 ) . He that thinks before he speaks, that suppresses evil if he have thought it, keeps his soul from a great deal both of guilt and grief. Many a one is ruined by an ungoverned tongue. Verse 4 . The slothful desire the gains the diligent get, but hate the pains the diligent take; therefore they have nothing. This is especially true as to the soul. Verse 5 . Where sin reigns, the man is loathsome. If his conscience were awake, he would abhor himself, and repent in dust and ashes. Verse 6 . An honest desire to do right, preserves a man from fatal mistakes, better than a thousand fine-drawn distinctions. Verse 7 . Some who are really poor, trade and spend as if they were rich: this is sin, and will be shame, and it will end accordingly. Some that are really rich, would be thought to be poor: in this there is want of gratitude to God, want of justice and charity to others. There are many hypocrites, empty of grace, who will not be convinced of their poverty. There are many fearing Christians, who are spiritually rich, yet think themselves poor; by their doubts, and complaints, and griefs, they make themselves poor. Verse 8 . Great riches often tempt to violence against those that possess them; but the poor are free from such perils. Verse 9 . The light of the righteous is as that of the sun, which may be eclipsed and clouded, but will continue: the Spirit is their Light, he gives a fulness of joy: that of the wicked is as a lamp of their own kindling, easily put out. Verse 10 . All contentions, whether between private persons, families, churches, or nations, are begun and carried forward by pride. Disputes would be easily prevented or ended, if it were not for pride. Verse 11 . Wealth gotten by dishonesty or vice, has a secret curse, which will speedily waste it. Verse 12 . The delay of what is anxiously hoped for, is very painful to the mind; obtaining it is very pleasant. But spiritual blessings are chiefly intended. Verse 13 . He that stands in awe of God, and reverences his word, shall escape destruction, and be rewarded for his godly fear. Verse 14 . The rule by which the wise regulate their conduct, is a fountain yielding life and happiness. Verse 15 . The way of sinners is hard upon others, and hard to the sinner himself. The service of sin is slavery; the road to hell is strewed with the thorns and thistles that followed the curse. Verse 16 . It is folly to talk of things of which we know nothing, and to undertake what we are no way fit for. Verse 17 . Those that are wicked, and false to Christ and to the souls of men, do mischief, and fall into mischief; but those that are faithful, find sound words healing to others and to themselves. Verse 18 . He that scorns to be taught, will certainly be brought down. Verse 19 . There are in man strong desires after happiness; but never let those expect any thing truly sweet to their souls, who will not be persuaded to leave their sins. Verse 20 . Multitudes are brought to ruin by bad company. And all that make themselves wicked will be destroyed. Verse 21 . When God pursues sinners he is sure to overtake them; and he will reward the righteous. Verse 22 . The servant of God who is not anxious about riches, takes the best method of providing for his children. Verse 23 . The poor, yet industrious, thrive, though in a homely manner, while those who have great riches are often brought to poverty for want of judgment. Verse 24 . He acts as if he hated his child, who, by false indulgence, permits sinful habits to gather strength, which will bring sorrow here, and misery hereafter. Verse 25 . It is the misery of the wicked, that even their sensual appetites are always craving. The righteous feeds on the word and ordinances, to the satisfying of his soul with the promises of the gospel, and the Lord Jesus Christ, who is the Bread of life.

Proverbs 13 Commentaries

The Latin Vulgate is in the public domain.
