Marillac, Charles De

Marillac, Charles De, a noted prelate of the Church of Rome, was born at Auvergne, in France, about 1510. He was advocate in the Parliament of Paris when, perceiving himself suspected of Lutheranism, he followed John de la Forest, ambassador of France to Constantinople, and thus avoided persecution from the inquisitors. He afterwards became abbot of St. Pere and archbishop of Vienne; also counselor in the privy council when the assembly of notables convened at Fontainebleau in 1560, and in it advocated the calling of a national council and a meeting of the states- general, but without much effect. He endeavored to take measures to prevent the mischiefs threatening the country at that time, but, despairing of success, he became melancholic, was preyed upon by disease, and died at his abbey of St. Pere, in December, 1560.

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