Michael Monachus

Michael Monachus a theologian of the Church of the East, flourished as presbyter at Constantinople probably towards the close of the 9th century. He is noted as the author of Encomium Ignatii Patriarchae (who died in 877), edited, Greek and Latin, in a very mutilated form, by Raderus in his Acta Concilii (Ingolstadt, 1604, 4to), also in the eighth volume of the Concilia: Encomium in Angelicorum Ordinum Ductores, Michaelem et Gabrielem: Encomium in glorisum Christi Apostolum Philippum: — Perhaps Vita et Miracula S'ti Nicolai: Vita Theodori Studite, of which Baronius gives some fragments in his Annales ad an. 795 and 826. The complete text, with a Latin translation, was published by Jacobus de la Baune in the fifth volume of Opera Sirmondi (Paris, 1696, fol.). The life of Theodore Studita, as well as one or two of the other productions, was perhaps written by another Michael Monachus, a contemporary and survivor of Studita, who died as early as 826. The author of this life was a very incompetent writer. Cave, Hist. Lit; ad an. 876; Fabricius, Biblioth. Graec. 9:505.

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