Michael, St, and All Angels, Feast of

Michael, St., and all Angels, Feast of This festival of the Latin and Greek churches, commemorating the ministry of the holy angels to the heirs of salvation, originated in some provincial festivals which were introduced between the 3d and 5th centuries, and which were then combined into one common celebration on the 29th of September by pope Felix III in 480 (Mansi, 14:73). Its observance was not enjoined upon the Greek Church before the 12th century (Guericke, Kirchen-Gesch. page 194 sq.). The Collect is taken from the Missal: "Deus, qui miro ordine angelorum ministeria hominumque dispensas; concede propitius ut a quibus tibi ministrantibus in coelo Semper assistitur, ab his in terra vita nostra muniatur. Per dominum" (Missal Sar. "In festo sancti Michaelis Archangeli," fol. 206). See Procter, Hist. Book of Common Prayer, page 301.

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