
Whether in rural development, agriculture, forestry or the food industry – the possibilities provided by digital technologies are being used intensively throughout Germany: the introduction of digital technologies already contributes to producing food more sustainably, preventing emissions, improving animal welfare and keeping rural areas attractive.

Looking ahead, drones, clouds and other innovations promise many new visions and opportunities. But how can we make the best possible use of these opportunities? How can the risks related to the digital transformation be controlled? We need to find sustainable answers to data protection, data security and data sovereignty issues. This places heavy demands on politics and society.

Overview of topics

More than 50 million euros for digital trial fields in the agricultural sector

On 9 March 2020, the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) confirmed the funding of the remaining digital trial fields on agricultural holdings. All 14 trial fields are now in use. The Ministry has earmarked funds of more than EUR 50 million over the next three years.


Digitalisation in agriculture

The biggest gains from digitalisation in agriculture are expected to come from potentially making productivity more sustainable and from reductions in working hours and workload. This will result in reductions in the use of fertilisers, plant protection products and energy and improvements in animal welfare.


Universal broadband coverage – also in rural areas

Efficient digital infrastructure is increasingly becoming a determining factor in whether areas, particularly rural areas, will prosper in the future.


The “Smarte.Land.Regionen” model project

Under the “Smarte.Land.Regionen” (smart rural regions) model project, the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) is supporting seven rural districts in developing and implementing digital solutions in rural areas and is making these solutions available on a joint platform, a "digital ecosystem". The BMEL has earmarked 25 million euros for this project.


Land.Digital: Funding for 61 innovative projects

With its "Land.Digital" support scheme, the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) has supported the digital transformation in rural areas by trialling and disseminating practical concepts throughout Germany under the umbrella of the Federal Rural Development Scheme (BULE).



Digitalisation in agriculture (topic:digitalisation)

The biggest gains from digitalisation in agriculture are expected to come from potentially making productivity more sustainable and from reductions in working hours and workload. This will result in reductions in the use of fertilisers, plant protection products and energy and improvements in animal welfare.

