Grindelwald and Interlaken Day Tour

Partly guided tour with free time to explore the Jungfrau region


226 відгуків
Що сподобалося гостям найбільше
Можна скасувати безкоштовно
Не пізніше ніж за 24 години до початку
Тривалість: 12 год.

This full-day tour will give you a chance to explore the scenic Jungfrau region and Bernese Oberland. You'll board a comfortable bus that will take you through the countryside towards Interlaken, a town set between two lakes.

After a brief orientation session, you'll continue to the popular village of Grindelwald, where you can visit some of the lookout points to see the peaks of the Eiger, Mönch and Jungfrau. There will also be free time to take the cable car up to the 40-metre-long First Cliff Walk by Tissot or go for a ride on a Trotti Bike.

In the afternoon, you can take the train back to Interlaken and relax while exploring the local shops or take the cable car up to the Harder Kulm lookout.

Чому варто відвідати

  • Scenic bus and train ride through a mountainous landscape
  • Free time in Grindelwald to explore the area and lookouts
  • Opportunity to purchase souvenirs while shopping in Interlaken

Що включено

  • Guide services
  • Transportation
  • Train ticket between Grindelwald and Interlaken

Що не включено

    Що не включено
    • Food
    • Refreshments
    • Cable car, rentals and admission
    • Personal expenses


    • Visitors must show a valid photo ID.
    • Please arrive at least 15 minutes before the activity starts.
    • Comfortable footwear is recommended.

    Мови, якими володіє гід


    Додаткова інформація

    A guide will accompany you from Zurich to Grindelwald and from Interlaken to Zurich.

    For the unescorted part from Grindelwald to Interlaken, you'll receive detailed and written information.

    This tour is conducted by a multilingual guide.

    Please note that the public train ticket from Grindelwald to Interlaken is included until 31 March 2025.

    Starting from 1 April 2025, the train journey from Grindelwald to Interlaken will be replaced by a bus transfer and an additional stop in Lauterbrunnen.


    Місце зустрічі

    Limmatstrasse 2, Zurich, 8005
    The departure point is at Sihlquai bus station (Limmatstrasse 2), located behind the train station, in front of Fred Hotel. The meeting point is at a white ticket booth with a 'Best of Switzerland Tours' or 'Tickets here' sign written on it.

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