This guided tour will allow you to follow in the footsteps of drag queen Olivia – Hamburg's iconic drag queen. You'll get to explore the Reeperbahn and St. Pauli districts, where she performed her first shows and opened her first bars. Your guide will take you to old pubs and newer venues, as well as the historical Davidwache police station, Spielbudenplatz and the surrounding red-light district.
You'll also make a stop at a private member's club, where you'll hear insider tips from a local and get to try a drink that's popular in the Kiez area. Additionally, the tour will pass sights such as Millerntorplatz and the party and theatre streets.
Zakaj obiskati
- Visits to spots in the city frequented by the performer
- Chance to explore Reeperbahn and St. Pauli districts
- Tips from a local and opportunity to try a Kiez drink
Kaj je vključeno
- Guide services
- One beer or soft drink
- One drink of Schnapps
- One glass of hot mulled wine (winter only)
- Please arrive at least 10 minutes before the activity starts.
Jeziki, ki jih govori vodič/-ka

Dodatne informacije
Please note that this tour is not led by drag queen Olivia. You'll be accompanied by a local guide.
The minimum age for participating in this tour is 18 years.
This tour runs in all weather conditions.
Svojo vstopnico imejte s sabo ob obisku znamenitosti.
Upoštevajte, da lahko ponudnik vaš obisk odpove v primeru nepredvidenih okoliščin.
Za opravljanje rezervacije morate biti stari najmanj 18 let.