Tivoli Gardens

Admission to a captivating theme park home to one of the world's oldest wooden rollercoasters


218 recenzija
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At the magical Tivoli Gardens, you'll find a wide selection of rides and family-friendly activities. You can spend your day exploring the many attractions and discover highlights like the futuristic, VR-enhanced The Demon, The Star Flyer and the Ferris wheel. You can even go for a ride on one of the world's oldest wooden rollercoasters, the Rutschebanen.

Dodatne informacije

Ne zaboravite da ponesete kartu sa sobom.

Imajte u vidu da organizatori mogu da otkažu iz nepredviđenih razloga.

Potrebno je da imate najmanje 18 godina kako biste rezervisali ili da budete u pratnji odrasle osobe.

Organizator: Klook


Tivoli Gardens

Tivoli Gardens: Vesterbrogade 3, 1630 , Copenhagen Municipality
Please enter the venue directly with your mobile voucher through the main entrance, located on Vesterbrogade. Please scan your voucher at the separate ticket desk reserved for annual pass holders.

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