On this tour, you will visit two of Seville’s most important historic monuments, including the cathedral, the Giralda tower and the Royal Alcázar.
Led by a professional guide, you will explore the Gothic Cathedral of Seville, dating back to the 15th century and occupying the site of the old Aljama mosque. After admiring its magnificent proportions and decorations, you will climb up to the top of the Giralda, the cathedral’s bell tower, to enjoy beautiful views of the city from 104 metres high.
The tour will then continue with a visit to the Royal Alcázar, a synthesis of Baroque, Islamic and Renaissance art in Seville, as well as one of the most important royal palaces still in use.
Kostir við staðinn
- Opportunity to tour the city's best sights
- Chance to explore the Cathedral of Seville
- Guided visit inside Seville's Royal Alcázar
Þetta er innifalið
- Skip-the-line admission
- Guide services
Þetta er ekki innifalið
- Hotel pickup
- Food and drinks
- Visitors must show a valid photo ID.
- Please arrive at least 10 minutes before the activity starts.
- Passport needed
Please refrain from wearing sleeveless t-shirts, shorts or flip flops when visiting the cathedral.
Vinsamlegast taktu miðann þinn með þér á afþreyingarstaðinn.
Athugaðu að umsjónaraðili afþreyingarinnar gæti aflýst henni af ófyrirsjáanlegum ástæðum.
Þú þarft að vera 18 ára eða eldri til að bóka eða vera í fylgd með fullorðnum.