Korouoma Canyon and Waterfalls Full-day Tour

A hiking tour to explore the canyon with cliffs and ice formations


96 відгуків

Що сподобалося гостям найбільше
Можна скасувати безкоштовно
Не пізніше ніж за 24 години до початку
Тривалість: 7 год.

This seven-hour tour will take you from Rovaniemi to the Korouoma Canyon, famous for its cliffs and waterfalls.

Once you reach the Korouoma Nature Reserve, you’ll begin your hike. Accompanied by a guide, you’ll get the chance to learn about the local flora and fauna and find out facts about the environment around the canyon. You’ll be able to reach waterfalls that freeze in winter and form picturesque ice cascades.

Halfway through the hike, you’ll stop at a scenic location and get the opportunity to enjoy a traditional Finnish lunch by a bonfire. At the end of the tour, you’ll return to the start point and head back to Rovaniemi.

Що включено

  • Private transportation
  • Campfire snack
  • Tea or coffee
  • Winter boots
  • Professional winter clothing
  • Hotel pickup and drop-off (outside city centre)

Що не включено

    Що не включено
    • Alcoholic drinks


    • Public transport links nearby

    Здоров'я та безпека

    • Not recommended for pregnant visitors
    • Not recommended for visitors with back problems
    • Not recommended for visitors with heart problems or serious medical conditions
    • Requires a moderate level of physical fitness


    • Visitors must be at least 10 years old.
    • A maximum of 8 participants is required. In case the number is reached, you will be suggested with a new date or full refund option.

    Мови, якими володіє гід


    Додаткова інформація

    This tour involves approximately five kilometres of walking in the nature reserve.

    Будь ласка, візьміть із собою квиток на варіант дозвілля.

    Зверніть увагу, що організатор може скасувати захід із непередбачених причин.

    Щоб забронювати цей варіант дозвілля, вам повинно виповнитися 18 років або ви маєте перебувати в супроводі дорослого.

    Організатор Wild About Lapland


    Пункт відправлення

    Rovakatu 24, Rovaniemi, 96100
    Please note that pickup is available from hotels outside the city centre. If you're staying in Rovaniemi's city centre, please make your way to the tour provider's office at the listed address. Pickups from the city are no longer available as a way of supporting sustainable tourism. If your accommodation is located outside the city centre, please send the tour provider an email at least 48 hours before the tour to arrange your pickup.

    Місце закінчення

    Rovakatu 24, Rovaniemi, 96100

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