Embark on a captivating 2-hour private walking tour through the enchanting and storied streets of Canterbury, where every cobblestone whispers tales of the past and every building holds secrets of centuries gone by. Immerse yourself in the city’s rich heritage and vibrant culture as you traverse its historic thoroughfares, guided by a local guide. From the awe-inspiring Canterbury Cathedral Precincts, where the echoes of pilgrims past still linger, to the bustling energy of the lively Buttermarket, this curated tour promises an unforgettable journey through time. Delve into the architectural marvels and hidden gems tucked away in Canterbury’s nooks and crannies, as you uncover the layers of history that have shaped this charming city into the cultural gem it is today.
Þetta er innifalið
- Professional local tour guide
Tungumál leiðsögumanns

Public transportation options are available nearby
Suitable for all physical fitness levels
Not wheelchair accessible
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