Luggage Storage in Glasgow

Convenient and hands-free way to travel around Glasgow


15 ulasan
Yang paling disukai tamu
Tersedia pembatalan gratis
Hingga 24 jam sebelum dimulai

With this luggage storage service, you'll get to take in the sights of Glasgow without the burden of carrying bags. You'll have the choice between two convenient locations – Buchanan Galleries and Central Station. After making your booking, you'll be able to drop up to ten pieces of luggage off and pick it up again when you're ready to collect.

Alasan berkunjung

  • Two convenient drop-off locations
  • Chance to explore Glasgow hands-free

Sudah termasuk

  • Luggage storage

Informasi tambahan

Please note that you can store your bags anytime during the operational hours from 07:00–23:00.

Please check for a confirmation email from the tour provider for the exact location.

You will receive an email with a confirmation code from the tour provider. Please show the email with the confirmation code at the location.

Harap bawa tiket Anda ke atraksi wisata.

Perhatikan bahwa operator dapat membatalkan karena alasan tak terduga.

Anda harus berusia 18 tahun ke atas atau ditemani orang dewasa untuk memesan atraksi wisata ini.

Dioperasikan oleh Stasher Luggage Storage


Luggage Storage in Glasgow

141 West Nile Street, Glasgow, Scotland, UK, Glasgow, G1 2RN
After booking, you'll receive a separate email from the tour provider within a few minutes with the exact drop-off location. Please drop your bags at the reception. The drop-off location will be at the meeting point or nearby.

Rating pengguna

4,7Istimewa(15 ulasan)
Harga sepadan
Kualitas layanan
Akses mudah

Yang paling disukai tamu

Pertanyaan umum

Beri tahu kami pendapat Anda dan hal apa saja yang bisa kami tingkatkan

Tiket dan harga
