Можна скасувати безкоштовно
Не пізніше ніж за 24 години до початку
Тривалість: 3 год. 30 хв.
Our kayak tour offers you the unique experience to explore a majestic part of the island of Milos. We will be paddling along the volcanic coastline of the island and meet different and remarkable sceneries that will definitely amaze you! On our way we will find hidden places, discover caves, get familiar with the mineral richness of Milos and swim in magnificent crystal-clear waters. We will also taste traditional snacks at every stop and capture every single moment with our action cameras!
Що включено
- 500ml
- Traditional homemade snacks
- Waterproof bag
- Waterproof case for the phone
- Double sit in kayak with rudder
- Lifejacket
- Action camera (GoPro) per kayak
- Snorkelling mask and tube
Що не включено
Що не включено
- Swimming Suit
- T-shirt
- Hat
- Towel
- Sunscreen
- Sunglasses
Мови, якими володіє гід


Додаткова інформація
Public transportation options are available nearby
Not recommended for travelers with spinal injuries
Not recommended for pregnant travelers
Not recommended for travelers with poor cardiovascular health
Suitable for all physical fitness levels
Пункт відправлення
Παραλία Φυριπλάκα
Our meeting point is at Fyriplaka beach, on the south part of Milos. You can reach it by bus, taxi, car or even atv and scooter. You will be able to park your vehicle along the road for free. Our kiosk is next to the big rock, the main attraction of the beach.
Місце закінчення
Παραλία Φυριπλάκα
Оцінки відвідувачів
4,9 Відмінно(50 відгуків)
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