Neapolitan pasta homemade Cooking Lesson


Дуже добре
3 відгуки
Можна скасувати безкоштовно
Не пізніше ніж за 24 години до початку
Тривалість: 2 год.

Have you ever thought about how to make the italian ravioli and fettuccine? Well, we will give you the opportunity. Go to experience our NEAPOLITAN COOKING PASTA LESSON!

Make friends with your working group and delve into this oh-so-valuable, thoughtful and flavorful world of homemade pasta in Naples!

The dough of 1800s in the meantime that the dough rests i will give you a local starter, we will teach you methods that have been lost over time.

Once you get home, so you can reproduce this piece of Naples whenever you want.

Що включено

  • Soda/Pop
  • Your neapolitan gnocchi homemade with wine

Що не включено

    Що не включено
    • Others drink after the first one

    Мови, якими володіє гід


    Додаткова інформація

    Wheelchair accessible

    Infants and small children can ride in a pram or stroller

    Public transportation options are available nearby

    Transportation options are wheelchair accessible

    Not recommended for people are gluten intolerant


    Пункт відправлення

    Via delle Zite, 30, Via delle Zite 30, Napoli, 80139
    Meeting-Point at the NAPLES COOKING LAB, on Spaccanapoli street. In the heart of the Naples historical centre. Sometimes the course can be held at the PIZZERIA MAMMINA in Galleria Umberto I. In this case the customer will be informed in advance of the change.

    Місце закінчення

    Via delle Zite, 30, Via delle Zite 30, Napoli, 80139

    Запитання та відповіді

    Розкажіть, як вам наш сервіс і що можна покращити

    Квитки та ціни
