Italian cooking class and lunch near the Pompeii excavations

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Не пізніше ніж за 24 години до початку
Тривалість: 4 год. 30 хв.

You'll start with a welcome aperitif featuring local cheeses and grilled vegetables before diving into a cooking lesson on making fresh pasta and tiramisu from scratch. After the lesson, sit down to enjoy a delicious 2-course vegetarian lunch with your creations, accompanied by wine. This small-group experience is perfect for food lovers and those looking to learn the art of Italian cooking in a beautiful setting.

Що включено

  • Wine - Those under the age of 18 are not allowed to consume alcohol
  • Lunch
  • Cooking lesson and shared lunch for up to 15 people
  • Wine with meals are included

Мови, якими володіє гід


Додаткова інформація

Wheelchair accessible

Public transportation options are available nearby

All areas and surfaces are wheelchair accessible

Guests need to communicate if they have any food restrictions (allergy, special diet, etc.)

Будь ласка, візьміть із собою квиток на варіант дозвілля.


Пункт відправлення

Via Cappelle, Via Cappelle, Scafati, 84018
The full address will be sent to you once you booked the event. It will be in the 'Before you go section' at the bottom of your booking confirmation.

Місце закінчення

Via Cappelle, Via Cappelle, Scafati, 84018

Запитання та відповіді

Розкажіть, як вам наш сервіс і що можна покращити

Квитки та ціни
