On this tour, you will be able to explore Isola Madre on a hop-on hop-off boat ride. Here, you will get a chance to see the Renaissance Palace surrounded by a scenic English-style garden. You will also have the opportunity to see a botanical park with rare species of camellias, rhododendrons and other subtropical varieties. This tour will be a good way to explore the scenic beauty of Lake Maggiore.
Why visit
- Chance to explore the scenic Isola Madre
- View of the iconic Renaissance Palace
क्या शामिल है
- Hop-on hop-off boat ride on Lake Maggiore
What's not included
- Admission to sites
अतिरिक्त जानकारी
Please note that the tour only operates during favourable weather conditions.
Please note that pets are allowed on the boat but not inside the gardens and museum.
खास जगह और गतिविधि की मुलाकात लेते समय कृपया अपना टिकट अपने साथ रखें.
ध्यान रखें कि ऑपरेटर कुछ आकस्मिक वजहों से बुकिंग कैंसल कर सकते हैं.
बुक करने के लिए आपकी उम्र 18 साल या उससे ज़्यादा होनी चाहिए या किसी वयस्क का आपके होना ज़रूरी है.
Operated by Isole Lago Maggiore snc