With this pass, you can make your way around Fukuoka with ease. You'll have one-day access to the city's state-of-the-art subway network that offers extensive coverage.
You'll be able to collect your pass at the airport and use it to travel into the city. Furthermore, you'll find many of the most popular attractions accessible by subway, including Fukuoka Tower, Ohori Park and additional attractions.
- Fukuoka subway one-day pass
- Fukuo Airport Line, Hakozaki Line and Nanakuma Line
Papildoma informacija
Nepamirškite atsinešti bilieto.
Turėkite omenyje, kad teikėjai gali atšaukti veiklą dėl nenumatytų priežasčių.
Užsakyti gali asmenys nuo 18 m. amžiaus. Jaunesnius asmenis turi lydėti suaugusysis.
Ką turėtumėte žinoti
Please present your mobile voucher and exchange it for a physical pass at the HIS-counter.
The HIS-counter is located at Fukuoka Airport International Terminal, first floor, Arrivals lobby.
Please note that the operational hours of the counter are from 08:30–19:30
Please note that your voucher is valid for 90 days from the booking confirmation date and expires at 23:59 on the last day.
Present your mobile voucher and your passport for collection.