Cave, Waterfall, and River Adventure in Charco Azul; San Juan


201 відгук

Що сподобалося гостям найбільше
Можна скасувати безкоштовно
Не пізніше ніж за 24 години до початку
Тривалість: 5 год.

This is an absolutely unforgettable experience. This day trip has it all: adventure, pristine tropical rivers, waterfalls, cave swimming, beautiful scenery, adrenaline, fun and even some archeology/history along the day.

We will swim through caves, go under cool waterfalls, and even cliff jump from cliffs ranging from 8 to 27 feet (optional of course.) The place is almost undiscovered, not like El Yunque where you can easily encounter hundreds of people in a single day. Mostly just locals here or people who come with us! The drive from the meeting point to the rainforest caves is about one hour. Along the way you will see the real Puerto Rico, quite removed from the tourist area. You will see a more rural way of life where the locals are connected with nature. The scenery along the drive and hike is absolutely incredible. Once the adventure begins, we will take you through the jungle. We grew up doing this and know the area like the back of our hands, so you are safe with us.

Що включено

  • Options vary.
  • Bottled water
  • Life vests
  • Air-conditioned vehicle
  • Local Guide

Мови, якими володіє гід


Додаткова інформація

Not recommended for travelers with spinal injuries

Not recommended for pregnant travelers

Not recommended for travelers with poor cardiovascular health

Travelers should have at least a moderate level of physical fitness

Not recommended for people with mobility issues


Пункт відправлення

1374 Ashford Ave, Ashford Ave 1374, Santurce, San Juan, 00907
Right in Front of Crush Juice Bar

Місце закінчення

1374 Ashford Ave, Ashford Ave 1374, Santurce, San Juan, 00907

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