1-Hour Bioluminescent Boat Tour in Mosquito Bay, Vieques


80 comentaris

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Cancel·lació gratis disponible
Fins a 24 hores abans de l'hora d'inici
Durada: 1 hora

The Mosquito Bay in Vieques holds the prestigious title of being the brightest among the five bioluminescent bays recognized by The Guinness Book of World Records. When it comes to exploring this captivating phenomenon, we offer a unique experience aboard our exclusive 24-foot electric catamaran boat tour, making us the only option besides kayaking. Before you embark on this enchanting journey, here are some important details to note: Firstly, ensure you purchase your ferry boat tickets from puertoricoferry.com. Secondly, to fully immerse yourself in this tour, it is necessary to book a one-night stay and have the ferry boat tickets in hand. Lastly, we recommend staying in Esperanza, which is the ideal location for an unforgettable visit.

Què inclou?

  • Air-conditioned vehicle
  • 24 Foot Catamaran
  • Emergency Life Jackets

Què no inclou?

    Què no inclou?
    • Gratuities
    • Alcoholic Beverages
    • We do not include Ferry Tickers to and from Vieques
    • We do not included the 1 night accommodation needed to experience this tour.

    Idiomes que parla el guia


    Informació addicional

    Public transportation options are available nearby

    Suitable for all physical fitness levels

    Before booking, verify there is an available room for your reservation and ferry boat. You need to stay 1 night in order to experience this tour.

    I acknowledge if I don't confirm before the tour starts, I will be considered a no-show.

    Not wheelchair accessible


    Punt de sortida

    107 Calle Flamboyan, Calle Flamboyan 107, Vieques, 00765
    I acknowledge if I don't confirm before the tour starts, I will be considered a no-show.

    Punt d'arribada

    107 Calle Flamboyan, Calle Flamboyan 107, Vieques, 00765

    Valoracions dels clients

    4,4Fabulós(80 valoracions)
    Experiència general
    Qualitat del servei
    Facilitat d'accés

    El que ha agradat més als clients

    Preguntes freqüents

    Digue'ns com ho estem fent i què podríem millorar

    Tiquets i preus
