With this ticket, you'll gain entry to Lisbon Cathedral – a 12th-century landmark and Portuguese National Monument. Inside, you'll be able to take in the structure's different architectural styles, including Gothic and Romanesque, as well as ascend to the gallery for views of the city. You'll also have a chance to gain insight into Lisbon's religious history.
Zahrnuto v ceně
- Admission to Lisbon Cathedral
Co není zahrnuto v ceně
- Personal expenses
Dodatečné informace
K návštěvě turistické atrakce si nezapomeňte přinést lístek.
Mějte na paměti, že provozovatelé mohou konání zrušit z důvodu nepředvídaných okolností.
Turistickou atrakci smí rezervovat pouze osoby ve věku 18 let a starší. Zúčastnit se mohou i mladší osoby, ale pouze v doprovodu dospělého.
Co potřebujete vědět
Please present your mobile voucher to the Lisbon Cathedral box office staff and redeem your ticket.
Lisbon Cathedral is located at Largo da Se 1, 1100-585 Lisboa, Portugal.
The nearest tram stop is Sé, served by line 28E. From here, the cathedral is a two-minute walk.
This activity is not suitable for wheelchair users or pushchairs.
The voucher is valid only on the specified date.
Please note that the operational hours of Lisbon Cathedral are as follows:
- Monday–Saturday: 10:00–18:00
- Monday–Tuesday, Thursday–Friday: 09:30–19:00
- Wednesday and Saturday: 10:00–18:00
Please note that Lisbon Cathedral is closed on Sundays and Holy Days.