This tour will give you the chance to experience and immerse in the world of mirrors, infinity and optical illusions at Multium gallery. You will get an opportunity to enjoy a magical atmosphere created in the six optical illusions rooms with mirrors and accompanied by music. All the rooms provide a unique experience and all the exhibits have different names – Caminus, Passus, Tabularium, Spiramentum, Universum and Sphaera.
Iemesli apmeklēšanai
- Experience the magical atmosphere created with mirrors and music
- An opportunity to experience the illusion of infinity
- Explore the unique world of mirrors and their effects
Kas ir iekļauts
- Admission to six optical illusions rooms
The gallery can be seen in approximately 25 minutes.
Please note that tickets are valid anytime during museum open hours. Make sure to visit the museum website for the most recent opening times.
Lūdzu, neaizmirstiet uz aktivitāti paņemt līdzi savu biļeti.
Ņemiet vērā, ka aktivitātes nodrošinātāji var atcelt aktivitātes neparedzētu iemeslu dēļ.
Rezervējumu var veikt personas, kas ir sasniegušas 18 gadu vecumu. Nepilngadīgas personas var apmeklēt aktivitāti pieaugušā pavadībā.