Olympos Teleferik Cable Car

A scenic ride up the mountain with spectacular views and the chance to see wildlife


Sangat baik
5 ulasan
Tersedia pembatalan gratis
Hingga 24 jam sebelum dimulai
Durasi: 4 jam

With a ride on the Olympos Teleferik cable car, you'll soar above Bey Mountains National Park to the summit of Tahtalı Mountain, known as Olympos Mountain in ancient times. On arrival at the summit, you'll be at a height of 7759 ft, and you'll have awe-inspiring views over the Mediterranean coast. You can also look out for local wildlife like mountain goats and birds of prey.

Alasan berkunjung

  • Chance to breathe in fresh mountain air from the summit of Mount Tahtalı
  • Panoramic views that stretch all the way from Alanya to Finike
  • Pine-forest scenery and wildlife like mountain goats and birds of prey

Sudah termasuk

  • Cable-car ticket
  • Transportation (if option selected)

Informasi tambahan

The cabins are wheelchair and stroller-friendly.

Please note that the mountaintop is colder than the city centre.

Harap bawa tiket Anda ke atraksi wisata.

Perhatikan bahwa operator dapat membatalkan karena alasan tak terduga.

Anda harus berusia 18 tahun ke atas atau ditemani orang dewasa untuk memesan atraksi wisata ini.

Dioperasikan oleh Olympos Teleferik


Olympos Teleferik Cable Car

Kemer Yolu, Olympos Teleferik, Tahtalı Teleferiği Yolu, Antalya
Please note that complimentary pickup services are available from accommodation in Kemer (if option selected). Please enter your pickup details at checkout.

Rating pengguna

4Sangat baik(5 ulasan)
Harga sepadan
Kualitas layanan
Akses mudah

Pertanyaan umum

Beri tahu kami pendapat Anda dan hal apa saja yang bisa kami tingkatkan

Tiket dan harga
