The Complete St. Paul Walking Tour


17 відгуків

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Можна скасувати безкоштовно
Не пізніше ніж за 24 години до початку
Тривалість: 3 год.
Вхід із тваринами-поводирями

Whether you’re new to Minnesota or have been a lifetime resident, the secrets sitting in our capital city are sure to surprise you.

Join an expert local guide as you explore the rags and riches of this incredible city — from the wealth Summit Hill neighbourhood, to the secret caves that stored illegal booze-making facilities, you’ll learn that there’s lot more to this city than meets the eye.

You’ll start your tour atop one of the 7 hills of St. Paul, then head over to the Capitol before weaving back into admission the high-rises of downtown. Along the way you’ll learn stories of old St Paul, stop for a coffee at a fantastic local establishment, and finish with a beer for the road.

Що включено

  • Friendly, local guide
  • (Or non alcoholic alternative)
  • Coffee and/or Tea

Мови, якими володіє гід


Додаткова інформація

Wheelchair accessible

Infants and small children can ride in a pram or stroller

Service animals allowed

Public transportation options are available nearby

Transportation options are wheelchair accessible


Пункт відправлення

200 Dayton Ave, Dayton Ave 200, Cathedral Hill, St Paul, MN, 55102
Meet at the front steps facing Summit Ave, near the sidewalk/roadway. For most convenient parking, a pay lot is available at the Minnesota History Center for a flat rate of $6 - 345 W Kellogg Blvd.

Місце закінчення

Patrick McGovern's Pub, 7th St W 225, West Seventh - Fort Road, St Paul, MN, 55102

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