Admission to ZooTampa at Lowry Park

A fun-filled experience at the Tampa Zoo


14 recenzija

Što se gostima najviše svidjelo
Dostupno besplatno otkazivanje
Do 24 sata prije početka
Trajanje: 30 minuta

This ticket allows you to discover ZooTampa at Lowry Park. Here, you’ll be able to see rhinos, colourful macaws and several endangered species. You’ll also have the chance to experience a fun water-park ride at Roaring Springs.

Razlozi za posjet

  • Chance to see unique wildlife
  • A ride down Roaring Springs
  • Suitable for all ages and interests

Što je uključeno

  • Admission ticket
  • Free parking

Što nije uključeno

    Što nije uključeno
    • Food and drinks

    Dodatne informacije

    Please dress comfortably.

    Please wear weather-appropriate clothing and footwear.

    It's recommended to bring a camera.

    Please note that the operational hours of the park are 09:30–17:00.

    Please note that the operational hours are subject to change. Please refer to ZooTampa’s website for the updated operational hours.


    Admission to ZooTampa at Lowry Park

    1101 West Sligh Avenue, Tampa, FL, 33604

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