Minneapolis Afternoon Snack


11 recenzija

Šta se gostima najviše svidelo
Dostupno je besplatno otkazivanje
Do 24 sata pre početka
Trajanje: 2 h
Dozvoljen je pristup životinjama koje služe za pomoć

Starting in the trendy North Loop neighborhood, we visit some of the best restaurants in Minneapolis! Learn about the city over a bite to eat (or four)! From the best ranked pizza joint in the country, to classic upper midwest cuisine, and a little bit from northeast Minneapolis' eastern European heritage, this tour will leave both your brain and belly full! And don't forget to leave room for dessert!

Šta je uključeno

  • Snacks

Šta nije uključeno

    Šta nije uključeno
    • Guide gratuity

    Jezici koje govori vodič


    Dodatne informacije

    Wheelchair accessible

    Service animals allowed

    Public transportation options are available nearby

    Infants are required to sit on an adult’s lap

    Transportation options are wheelchair accessible


    Mesto polaska

    North Loop Galley, Suite 102, N Washington Ave 729, Central Minneapolis, Minneapolis, MN, 55401
    We meet outside the door. Expect your tour guide to be arriving at the start time.


    Fletcher's Ice Cream & Cafe, E Hennepin Ave 306, Saint Anthony Main, Minneapolis, MN, 55414
    This is our last stop. We'll often sit and chat for a while after the tour if you have any questions and/or give recommendations about the city!

    Šta se gostima najviše svidelo

    Često postavljana pitanja

    Recite nam kako nam ide i šta možemo da poboljšamo

    Karte i cene
