San Diego Zoo

A visit to one of San Diego's most popular attractions


73 відгуки

Що сподобалося гостям найбільше
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On this visit to San Diego Zoo, you'll be able to have close encounters with over 3,700 animals from more than 650 species. You'll also be able to admire over 700,00 exotic plants and visit African-themed exhibits. Additionally, you can take a ride through the treetops on the Skyfari aerial tram and learn about the zoo’s residents at one of the daily zookeeper talks.

Що включено

  • Admission to the San Diego Zoo
  • Guided bus tour
  • Admission to Kangaroo Express Bus
  • Skyfari Aerial Tram

Що не включено

    Що не включено
    • Additional expenses

    Додаткова інформація

    Будь ласка, візьміть із собою квиток на варіант дозвілля.

    Зверніть увагу, що організатор може скасувати захід із непередбачених причин.

    Щоб забронювати цей варіант дозвілля, вам повинно виповнитися 18 років або ви маєте перебувати в супроводі дорослого.

    Children aged 0 to 2 years can participate for free.

    Організатор Klook

    Варто знати

    If you're arriving by bus, take bus number 7 or 215 to Zoo Place and Park Boulevard, and walk for three minutes.

    Please note that the operational hours of San Diego Zoo are daily from 09:00–21:00.

    Re-entry to the venue is permitted. Please show your ticket, wristband or stamp upon re-entry at the entrance.

    Waiting times may occur during peak hours.

    Your ticket is valid at any time on the day of your visit within the operational hours.

    This tour can accommodate strollers.

    This tour is suitable for wheelchair users.

    The voucher is valid for 365 days from the booking confirmation date, and expires at 23:59 on the last day.

    Please note that luggage storage is available for an additional charge. The additional charges are as follows:

    - Small items: USD 10 per piece

    - Medium-size items: USD 12 per piece

    - Large items: USD 15 per piece

    Please note that bringing a single-person food supply, in small containers, is permitted inside the venue.


    San Diego Zoo

    San Diego Zoo: 2920 Zoo Drive San Diego, San Diego, CA, CA 92101

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