Private Tour: Florida Everglades Airboat Ride and Wildlife Adventure


110 ulasan

Yang paling disukai tamu
Tersedia pembatalan gratis
Hingga 24 jam sebelum dimulai
Durasi: 1 jam

For a truly special Florida Everglades airboat tour, splash out on a private airboat ride at Sawgrass Recreation Park. You’ll see Florida gators and other native animals, plus visit exclusive Everglades locations that the general admission tours miss.

Sudah termasuk

  • Private guided airboat tour
  • Alligator & Reptile Exhibit with educational presentation
  • Captain's gratuity

Apa yang tidak termasuk

    Tidak termasuk
    • Hotel pickup and drop off
    • Food and drinks

    Bahasa yang digunakan oleh pemandu


    Informasi tambahan

    Suitable for all physical fitness levels

    Tour operator reserves the right to cancel the tour due to inclement weather

    Operating hours for Sawgrass Recreation Park may be shorter during holidays

    Please provide your preferred tour time in the specific requirements field at check out

    Important Note: Pricing is based on a per person basis; regardless of number of people booking, you are buying out the whole boat for your private tour


    Titik keberangkatan

    Sawgrass Recreation Park, US-27 1006, Weston, FL, 33327
    Directions: From the North: Take I-95 South or the Turnpike South to 595 West. On 595 take I-75 North towards Naples. Stay on I-75 North until you come to Exit 23 North (U.S. Highway 27) towards South Bay. We are just two miles to the North on the right hand side of the road. Turn right and cross over the bridge, make another immediate right down into the parking lot. Tickets for the airboat rides and animal exhibits can be purchased in the store. (Yellow building.) From the South: Take I-95 North or the Turnpike North to 595 West. On 595 take I-75 North towards Naples. Stay on I-75 North until you come to Exit 23 North (U.S. Highway 27) towards South Bay. We are just two miles to the North on the right hand side of the road. Turn right and cross over the bridge, make another immediate right down into the parking lot. Tickets for the airboat rides and animal exhibits can be purchased in the store. (Yellow building.)

    Titik lokasi

    Sawgrass Recreation Park, US-27 1006, Weston, FL, 33327

    Rating pengguna

    4,7Istimewa(110 ulasan)
    Harga sepadan
    Kualitas layanan
    Akses mudah

    Yang paling disukai tamu

    Foto traveler

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