90-minute Tour of the Chicago River

Visit on a boat to see the architecture of the buildings along the river


597 recenzija

Što se gostima najviše svidjelo
Dostupno besplatno otkazivanje
Do 24 sata prije početka
Preskočite red

On this 90-minute tour of the Chicago River, you'll take a visit on a boat to see the architectural wonders of the city. On the way, you'll see the buildings along the river from the comfort of the boat.

During the tour, you'll learn the history of the city and its famed skyline. The staff and bartenders on board will be ready to serve you food and drinks according to your preferences. You'll also get to see the boat navigate to the city centre from the river's three branches.

Razlozi za posjet

  • Opportunity to see discover the 130-year old architectural history of the city
  • Leisurely boat ride with a full-service board for refreshments along the way
  • Chance to see the city's main highlights along the expansive Chicago River

Što je uključeno

  • Skip-the-line admission to the boat ride
  • Transportation by boat
  • Guide services

Što nije uključeno

    Što nije uključeno
    • Alcoholic drinks, available for purchase on the boat
    • Food and drinks


    • Please arrive at least 30 minutes before the activity starts.

    Jezici koje govori vodič


    Dodatne informacije

    Please note that the tour itinerary will depend on the boat captain.

    Please note that all visitors are required to undergo a non-invasive security check before boarding/entering the venue. You can request to be searched by an officer of the same sex.

    Due to the nature of this tour and the safety of all passengers, the tour provider reserves the right to refuse service to passengers who are impaired, intoxicated, showing signs of intoxication or presenting a safety concern. If, as a result, your tour is canceled, you will not be entitled to a refund.

    Please note that weapons, alcohol bought elsewhere, explosives, flammables and smoking are not allowed on this tour.

    Please note that the tour operates in all weather conditions. Please dress appropriately.


    Mjesto polaska

    400 N Michigan Avenue, Chicago, IL
    Meet the guide at the Dock on the DuSable Bridge’s northwest corner along Michigan Avenue. Please arrive at least 30 minutes before the tour begins.

    Ocjene korisnika

    4,7Izuzetno(597 recenzija)
    Opći dojam
    Kvaliteta usluge
    Jednostavnost dolaska

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