With this ticket, you will have the chance to see what happens behind the camera at the Warner Bros. Studio. During the tour, you will see where ‘Big Bang Theory’, ‘Batman’ and ‘Gilmore Girls’ were filmed. Your guide will provide insights about backlot streets and exterior filming locations as well.
The tour will also take you to Stage 48: Script to Screen, where you will be able to learn more about film production. While there, you'll get to sit on the famous ‘Friends’ couch and experience flying on a broom just like Harry Potter.
You'll also get to visit The Archive, which is a museum displaying props and costumes used in films with a special section from the ‘Harry Potter’ films. You'll finish your visit with a stop at the Picture Car Vault, where you'll see several versions of the famous Batmobile.
Kostir við staðinn
- Visit the set and the soundstage of a real Hollywood studio
- Learn more about film production
- Sit on the famous 'Friends' couch
- Guided tour behind the scene
Þetta er innifalið
- Admission fee
- Guide services
Tungumál leiðsögumanns

The desired language of the tour is subject to availability
Vinsamlegast taktu miðann þinn með þér á afþreyingarstaðinn.
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