Small-Group Whale Watching Adventure


84 ulasan

Yang paling disukai tamu
Tersedia pembatalan gratis
Hingga 24 jam sebelum dimulai
Durasi: 2 jam

Our small group experience takes place in a big boat atmosphere! A maximum of 20 guests onboard allows our captain and crew the chance to focus on providing each guest with the very best experience. Our boat is really what sets us apart from other companies- we have a fast, fun and extremely comfortable boat where everyone has a cushioned seat, large open platform for viewing the whales and fast, quiet engines to help us maximize our time with the whales during your tour. Knowledgeable captains and crew who have worked among the whales for years will share whale facts and answer your questions. It's a great photo opportunity and most people who do it come back for more!

Sudah termasuk

  • Whale Sightings Guaranteed!

Bahasa yang digunakan oleh pemandu


Informasi tambahan

Not recommended for travelers with poor cardiovascular health

Travelers should have at least a moderate level of physical fitness

Not wheelchair accessible

Harap bawa tiket Anda ke atraksi wisata.

Perhatikan bahwa operator dapat membatalkan karena alasan tak terduga.

Anda harus berusia 18 tahun ke atas atau ditemani orang dewasa untuk memesan atraksi wisata ini.

Dioperasikan oleh Makai Adventures


Titik keberangkatan

Mala Boat Ramp, Lahaina, HI, 96761
Please check in 30 minutes prior at MALA BOAT RAMP, in Lahaina. If you feel lost, CALL US. Look for someone wearing a Makai Adventures shirt. Parking is available at the Cannery Mall. Uber/Taxi can drop off at Ramp. Late check-ins are considered no-shows and no refund will be given.

Titik lokasi

Mala Boat Ramp, Lahaina, HI, 96761

Rating pengguna

4,9Istimewa(84 ulasan)
Harga sepadan
Kualitas layanan
Akses mudah

Yang paling disukai tamu

Pertanyaan umum

Beri tahu kami pendapat Anda dan hal apa saja yang bisa kami tingkatkan

Tiket dan harga
