SoHo, Little Italy and Chinatown Walking Tour

A two-hour guided stroll through three iconic New York City neighbourhoods


1 comentari
Cancel·lació gratis disponible
Fins a 24 hores abans de l'hora d'inici
Durada: 2 hores

On this two-hour walking tour, you'll have the opportunity to get a closer look at three of New York City's distinct neighbourhoods with the help of an expert guide. As you make your way through the cobbled streets of Soho, Little Italy and Chinatown, your guide will share fascinating stories about local history, including the areas' connections with immigrants, gangs and the fashion world.

Què inclou?

  • Guide services
  • Two-hour walking tour

Què no inclou?

    Què no inclou?
    • Tips
    • Transportation
    • Food and drinks
    • Personal expenses

    Informació addicional

    Porta el tiquet a l'atracció turística.

    Tingues en compte que l'operador podria cancel·lar l'activitat per motius imprevistos.

    Has de tenir 18 anys o més per reservar. Si no, t'ha d'acompanyar un adult.

    Gestionat per Klook

    Què has de saber?

    Meet your guide Spring Street Park, at 6th Avenue and Spring Street. Your guide will be holding orange flags or orange paddles with the 'New York Tour 1' logo.

    The closest subway station is Spring Street, served by lines C and E.

    Children aged 0–3 years can join for free but must be accompanied by an adult participant with a regular ticket.

    The available ticket applies to all participants aged 13 years and above.


    Punt de trobada

    6th Ave & Spring St, New York, NY, 10013

    Valoracions dels clients

    5Excepcional(1 valoració)
    Experiència general
    Qualitat del servei
    Facilitat d'accés

    Preguntes freqüents

    Digue'ns com ho estem fent i què podríem millorar

    Tiquets i preus
