This tour in Savannah will give you insights into the Old South. You’ll have the chance to sit in a trolley and journey for 1.5 hours around the historic district for the chance to learn about over 270 years of American history. During this guided tour, you’ll get a glimpse of mansions, squares and a river. You’ll also ride on cobblestone streets.
Þetta er innifalið
- Driver-guide
Þetta er ekki innifalið
- Tips
- Service animals welcome
Heilsa og öryggi
- Suitable for all fitness levels
- Children under 18 years old must be accompanied by an adult.
Tungumál leiðsögumanns

This tour runs in all weather conditions. Please dress accordingly.
Please be advised that the tour makes 14 stops. Some of the stops along the route include City Market, Reynolds Square, River Street, Franklin Square, Savannah Visitor Center, Savannah Theatre, Sorrel Weed House, Forsyth Park, Massie Heritage Center and the Cathedral Basilica of St John the Baptist.
Vinsamlegast taktu miðann þinn með þér á afþreyingarstaðinn.
Athugaðu að umsjónaraðili afþreyingarinnar gæti aflýst henni af ófyrirsjáanlegum ástæðum.
Þú þarft að vera 18 ára eða eldri til að bóka eða vera í fylgd með fullorðnum.