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Mäevaatega B&B Hängebrigga asub Ernenis. Kohapeal on restoran, toateenindus, baar, aed, päikeseterrass ja piknikuala. Majutusasutusest avaneb vaade jõele ja aiale. The room, the materials, the breakfast, the sceneries, the people
Hotell Furka asub Oberwaldis, 4 km kaugusel golfiväljakust Source du Rhone. Kohapeal on tasuta jalgrattad, tasuta eraparkla, aed ja terrass. After a long day touring on our motorbikes, the Hotel Furka offered a welcome refuge for the night. From the moment we walked in, we were made welcome. The hotel rooms were modern and very comfortable with an excellent shower in the ensuite. We were able to park our motorbikes safely in a locked garage and had a great dinner in the restaurant. Breakfast was included in the room price and was a continental buffet with warm fresh bread available. We awoke to a snow storm and were grateful our bikes were safely stored overnight.
Spordikuurort Fiesch, Garni Aletsch asub Fieschis ning pakub majutust koos jõusaali ja aurusaunaga. Sellel hommikusöögiga majutusasutusel on aed. Absolutely recomendable, no frills hotel. I got the single room, which has a bed and a desk and a decent bathroom. If youre looking for a simple room for a couple of days, this is the place you want to stay. They have extra ammenities (pool?) wchih i didnt use. Location wise is decent (15 minutes to the cable car). They also let me park my motorcycle under a roof nearby.
B&B Pension Lärch asub Obergestelnis, 800 meetri kaugusel Source du Rhone'i golfiväljakust ja 20 km kaugusel Luftseilbahn Fürgangen-Bellwaldist. Majutusasutuse juurde pääseb suuskadel. 3 lads from the UK on motorbikes. We were welcomed with a smile and pleasant staff. They couldn’t be more helpful. They even let us use their grill to bbq out dinner. Room was spacious and had good facilities.
Hotell Croix d'Or et Poste - Historisches asub Münsteris, 48 km kaugusel Kuradi sillast. Kohapeal on ühine puhkeruum, tasuta eraparkla, terrass ja restoran. Lovely and stylish hôtel. Staff was very helpful and friendly ! The restaurant downstairs offers good food for a reasonable price. The atmosphere is on point while staying here.
Reckingen - Gluringen
Hotell Blinnenhorn asub Reckingenis Gomsi orus päikeselises asukohas, 1300 meetri kõrgusel merepinnast. Hotellist avaneb panoraamvaade mägedele. Everything was perfect, very good meal, nice personell. ☝️
BnB Chez Pia asub Ernenis. Majutusruumides on istumisnurk. Hommikusöögiga majutusasutusel on mäevaade ja piknikuala. Hommikusöögiga majutusasutuse igas toas on riidekapp. Super relaxing stay in a beautiful village
Aia, terrassi, restorani ja tasuta WiFi-ühendusega hotell Restaurant Alpenblick asub Ernenis. Kohapeal on pangaautomaat ja laste mänguväljak. Võõrastemajas on suuskade hoiuruum. The best part is of course the view from the room. Incredibly beautiful mountains, forest and small houses of the village Fiesch. Very friendly staff who, at any request, could always help and provide everything you need. Everything is fine, everyone liked it. My personal advice is to add scrambled eggs to your breakfast if possible. So, 10/10
Hotell Alpina asub Fiescheralpi nõlvadel, vaid 100 meetri kaugusel Fiescheralpi köisraudteest. Kohapeal on mullivann ja kõikides tubades on tasuta WiFi-ühendus. Staff was very friendly. Perfect location.
Sport Resort Fiesch, Garni Goneri asub Fieschis. Kohapeal on restoran, turismiinfo, jalgrattaparkla ja tasuta WiFi-ühendus. Kohapeal on laste mänguväljak, parkla ja elektriautode laadimisjaam. Location and so many options for family activities.
B&B sihtkohas Fiesch
Populaarne külastajate seas, kes broneerivad B&B-sid regioonis Goms
B&B sihtkohas Münster
Populaarne külastajate seas, kes broneerivad B&B-sid regioonis Goms
B&B sihtkohas Reckingen - Gluringen
Populaarne külastajate seas, kes broneerivad B&B-sid regioonis Goms
B&B sihtkohas Obergesteln
Populaarne külastajate seas, kes broneerivad B&B-sid regioonis Goms
B&B sihtkohas Ernen
Populaarne külastajate seas, kes broneerivad B&B-sid regioonis Goms
B&B sihtkohas Fiesch
Populaarne külastajate seas, kes broneerivad B&B-sid regioonis Goms