Vaata uusimaid hindu ja pakkumisi, valides kuupäevad.
Vlorës, Albaanias asuv Mazarine Hotel, Vlorë asub 200 meetri kaugusel Radhimë rannast. Kohapeal on hooajaline välibassein, tasuta eraparkla, erarand ja terrass. I was impressed by the care shown by the staff to all the guests. They were always helpful no matter how small the requests. The service at dinner was excellent and the waiter was willing to explain the menu and wine list. Nothing felt rushed. The breakfast was excellent. There was a wide variety of choices to suit all tastes. Compared to the breakfast I had at a five star hotel in Tirana, the breakfast offered at this hotel was superior, especially the unlimited amount of fresh coffee. Two things about the hotel impressed greatly. The building. Every room was artistically designed and the quality of the workmanship was top notch. The same can be said for the infinity pool. In my travels i have rarely seen an equal. It is obvious that the hotel has been created as an act of love. Finally. I found the system of each customer having a private phone account with which they can contact the hotel managers 24 hours a day. This was extremely useful when visiting Vlore. No problem with getting a taxi back to the hotel late at night.
Butiikhotell Gogo's asub Dhërmis, Palasa rannast 1,4 km kaugusel. Kohapeal on aed, tasuta eraparkla, ühine puhkeruum ja terrass. Our stay at the hotel was perfect. Our room was spacious enough, very clean and with a wonderful view of the sea. The staff is very kind, responsive and gave us information about everything we were interested in. I recommend visiting the restaurant in the hotel - the food is great. The hotel advised us to visit Morsi beach and it became our favorite. Thanks for the whole experience !
Hotell Kloest asub Durrësis, 1,9 km kaugusel Durresi sadamast. Kohapeal on restoran, tasuta eraparkla, baar ja ühine puhkeruum. Kohapeal on pangaautomaat, concierge ja kõikjal tasuta WiFi-ühendus. Suurepärane vastuvõtt hotelli ja super abivalmis personal. Asukoht suurepärane. Aitäh.
Aia, tasuta privaatse parkimise ja terrassiga Old Town Villa asub Durrësis, 1 km kaugusel Currila rannast. Selles kolmetärnihotellis on ööpäev läbi avatud vastuvõtt, pakihoid ja tasuta WiFi-ühendus. Great facility with a helpful and friendly host. The facility is nice and clean. Highly recommend.
Aphrodite's Garden asub Himares, 2 km kaugusel Livadhi rannast. Kohapeal on aed, tasuta eraparkla, terrass ja restoran. Baariga majutusasutus asub Spille'i rannast 2,6 km kaugusel. The hotel has perfect location on the hill with a see view. The room was very clean and bathroom was perfect as well. The staff was very friendly The breakfast, as well as the dinner were wonderful. It will stay wit us forever having the dorada fish dinner during an amazing sunset :)
Aia, tasuta privaatse parkla, terrassi ja restoraniga hotell Meta Ksamil asub Ksamil'is, kõigest mõne sammu kaugusel Ksamil'i rannast 9. Everything was at its best. Recommended
Hotell Yacht asub Vlorës, 20 meetri kaugusel Vlore rannast. Kohapeal on restoran, tasuta eraparkla, baar ja erarand. Plazhi i Vjeteri rand on 3,9 km, Kuzum Baba ja Iseseisvuse väljak 5 km kaugusel. Literally everything. It’s modern, clean, near the city and the staff are AMAZING
Hotell Lindi asub Albaania lõunaosas Sarandë rannikulinnas. Hotellis on baar, tasuta WiFi-ühendus ja tasuta eraparkla. Igas toas on televiisor. Kõikides tubades on privaatne vannituba. The hotel owner and staff were incredibly kind and helpful, ensuring a pleasant stay. The rooms were spacious, exceptionally clean, and well-maintained, providing a comfortable and welcoming atmosphere.
Sunset Shoreline Saranda - Sea View - Free Private Parking - Pool asub Sarandës, 1,9 km kaugusel Saranda City rannast. Kohapeal on välibassein, tasuta eraparkla, terrass ja restoran. Staff were great, we had a massive delay and were happy to check us in at very late hours. The sea view room is brilliant, very clean too with a generous balcony.
Vila BABE asub Vlorës, 400 meetri kaugusel Iseseisvuse väljakust. Hiljuti renoveeritud majutusasutuses on konditsioneeri ja tasuta WiFi-ühendusega toad ning privaatne parkla. Very nice place. Clean and the owner was very nice. Highly recommended.
Soodne hotell sihtkohas Durrës
Populaarne külastajate seas, kes broneerivad soodsaid hotelle regioonis Albanian Riviera
Soodne hotell sihtkohas Durrës
Populaarne külastajate seas, kes broneerivad soodsaid hotelle regioonis Albanian Riviera
Soodne hotell sihtkohas Durrës
Populaarne külastajate seas, kes broneerivad soodsaid hotelle regioonis Albanian Riviera
Soodne hotell sihtkohas Sarandë
Populaarne külastajate seas, kes broneerivad soodsaid hotelle regioonis Albanian Riviera
Soodne hotell sihtkohas Durrës
Populaarne külastajate seas, kes broneerivad soodsaid hotelle regioonis Albanian Riviera
Soodne hotell sihtkohas Golem
Populaarne külastajate seas, kes broneerivad soodsaid hotelle regioonis Albanian Riviera
Muudame regioonis Albanian Riviera soodsa hotelli broneerimise kiireks ja lihtsaks, pakkudes järgmist.
• Tasuta tühistamine enamikule peatumistele
• Hindade vastavusse viimise garantii
• Ööpäevaringne klienditugi enam kui 40 keeles
Enamik soodsaid hotelle pakub tasuta tühistamist.
Hotel Lindi, Old Town Villa ja Yacht Hotel on mõned populaarsed soodne regioonis Albanian Riviera.
Lisaks neile on ka Aphrodite's Garden, Hotel Meta Ksamil ja Mazarine Hotel, Vlorë, Albania regioonis Albanian Riviera populaarsed soodne.
Villa Ani, Kallmi View Eco Rooms ja Apartments Vila Emiliano regioonis Albanian Riviera on saanud külastajatelt häid arvustusi seoses vaadetega soodsatest hotellidest.
Regioonis Albanian Riviera peatuvad külastajad on rääkinud häid sõnu ka vaadete kohta neist soodsatest hotellidest: Wait 'n Sea, Ngjela Apartments ja Helen Apartments.
Keskmiselt maksab soodne hotell üheks ööks regioonis Albanian Riviera selleks nädalavahetuseks HK$ 642 (põhineb praegustel hindadel).
Regioonis Albanian Riviera reisinud paaridele on meeldinud peatuda hotellides Villa Kristiano 21, Rustemi ja Vila Marjana.
Samuti on ka neid soodsaid hotelle regioonis Albanian Riviera paarid kõrgelt hinnanud: Villa Orkidea, Meraviglia Boutique Hotel ja Hotel Angjelo.
Regioonis Albanian Riviera saad broneerida 5 485 soodsat hotelli.
Paljudele regiooni Albanian Riviera külastanud peredele on meeldinud peatuda hotellides Vila BABE, The Sunset View ja Villa Orkidea.
Samuti on perega reisijate seas populaarsed hotellid Rustemi, Meraviglia Boutique Hotel ja Kallmi View Eco Rooms.