四星级的Mona Ex-Eurotel酒店位于蒙特勒(Montreux)的日内瓦湖(Lake Geneva)湖畔。所有客房都享有一览无余的湖泊和阿尔卑斯山脉(Alps)的景致,提供免费Wi-Fi。 客房配有卫星电视和迷你吧。大部分客房均提供阳台。 客人可以在Gault & Millau指南上的湖畔餐厅享用瑞士和国际美食。夏季,还可以在露台上烹饪烧烤美食。 Mona...
The Parc & Lac hotel is located in the center of Montreux, 20 meters from lac Leman. It offers free Wi-Fi throughout the property.
Overlooking Lake Geneva and only 20 metres from the lakeshore, this guest house is a 5-minute walk from the train station and the convention centre in Montreux.
Belle-Epoque Hotel Eden Palace au Lac酒店於1896年開業,位於湖濱,距離Montreux Train Station火車站僅有5分鐘步行路程,提供帶湖畔露台的餐廳、帶小游泳池的花園以及覆蓋各處的免費WiFi。 所有客房都享有湖景或城市和山脈的美景。 酒店的餐廳、酒吧以及Chez Gaston酒廊供應精緻菜餚,且在室內或大型露台上供應多種飲品。...
Royal Plaza Montreux酒店位于日内瓦湖(Lake Geneva)湖畔,享有湖泊和阿尔卑斯山(Alps)的全景。酒店提供覆盖各处的免费Wi-Fi,住客可免费使用带室内游泳池的Spa区。 大部分装饰典雅的客房和套房均设有私人阳台,俯瞰湖泊。所有客房均提供空调、免费网络连接以及平板电视。 Café...
Hotel du Grand Lac Excelsior酒店地理位置優越,位於蒙特勒(Montreux)鎮中心,坐落在日內瓦湖(Lake Geneva)畔的Quai des Fleurs(Flower Bank),設有帶游泳池的免費Spa區、免費WiFi ,以及湖景陽台。 Hotel du Grand Lac...
The Hôtel Masson is nestled in a quiet, leafy setting, and offers the experience of a charming, timeless stay in Montreux. An authentic Belle Epoque-style hotel with all modern comforts.
Fairmont Le Montreux Palace酒店号称“瑞士里维埃拉的珍珠”(The Pearl of the Swiss Riviera),位于日内瓦湖(Lake Geneva)湖畔,享有湖泊和阿尔卑斯山(Alps)的壮丽景色。该酒店建于1906年,集传统而典雅的氛围与最新科技于一体。 MP’S Bar &...
The majestic Victoria Hotel酒店位於格里昂(Glion)村上部的蒙特勒(Montreux)地區,兩處由索道連接,以著名的日內瓦湖和壯麗白雪覆蓋的阿爾卑斯山而聞名。 酒店為挑剔的客人提供了寧靜的環境、露天泳池、個性化的服務和最高標準的用餐享受。廚師長親自從市場園丁、漁民、飼養員和葡萄酒種植者那裡選擇最好的食材。 您所支付的房費已經包含了豐盛自助早餐的費用。...
Grand Hotel Suisse Majestic, Autograph Collection 建於 1870 ,由建築師 Eugène Jost 操刀設計。此美好年代風格飯店近期全新整修,坐落於蒙特勒(Montreux)日內瓦湖(Lake Geneva)湖畔,正對蒙特勒車站(Montreux Train Station)。提供全館免費 WiFi 。...
Only a few steps from Lake Geneva, Villa Toscane is an Art Nouveau building from 1905 with a beautiful interior design. The rooms are decorated in a modern style with light colours.
家庭經營且歷史悠久的Splendid酒店位於蒙特勒(Montreux),始建於1904年,享有日內瓦湖(Lake Geneva)全景。所有寬敞的客房均設有免費Wi-Fi。 Splendid酒店的每間客房均設有帶有線頻道的平板電視以及私人浴室。部分客房享有湖景,設有自己的露台或陽台。 餐廳供應瑞士美食和國際菜餚。咖啡廳是放鬆身心的舒適場所。
La Villa 位置超讚,位於蒙特勒,有附 WiFi(免費)的空調客房、免費私人停車位和客房服務。這間 4 星級飯店設有花園。這間飯店提供露台,享有山景。住客可以在餐廳享用餐點或在酒吧享用飲品。 La Villa 的每間客房都有衣櫃、市景戶外休息區、私人衛浴、平面電視、寢具和毛巾。所有客房皆有迷你吧。 這間住宿提供單點式和歐陸式早餐兩種選擇。
The Hôtel Masson is nestled in a quiet, leafy setting, and offers the experience of a charming, timeless stay in Montreux. An authentic Belle Epoque-style hotel with all modern comforts.
家庭經營的Hôtel de Chailly酒店位於蒙特勒(Montreux)上方的山丘上,距離鎮中心僅有2公里,距離日內瓦湖(Geneva Lake)有2公里,擁有一間帶陰涼露台的餐廳,距離Villars- sur-Ollon Ski Area滑雪場有30分鐘的車程。 餐廳供應採用當地食材烹製的美味時令菜餚。每天午餐時段供應一日三道菜。 您也可以使用研討會和宴會廳。
Fairmont Le Montreux Palace酒店号称“瑞士里维埃拉的珍珠”(The Pearl of the Swiss Riviera),位于日内瓦湖(Lake Geneva)湖畔,享有湖泊和阿尔卑斯山(Alps)的壮丽景色。该酒店建于1906年,集传统而典雅的氛围与最新科技于一体。 MP’S Bar & Grill餐厅营造出高雅而悠闲的用餐环境,提供室外露台和鸡尾酒吧。
Le Coucou Hotel Restaurant & Lounge-Bar 置身於寧靜的環境中,距離蒙特勒 9 公里,可將日內瓦湖的景觀盡收眼底。館內提供免費停車位和免費 WiFi。 住宿距離上考克斯火車站(Haut-de-Caux Train Station)僅 200 公尺,開車也可輕鬆抵達住宿地點。 所有客房均享有湖景或山景,並設有私人或共用衛浴。
Surrounded by Lake Geneva and glorious Alpine peaks, tranquil Montreux has enchanted artistes through the ages. Lord Byron was so inspired by the style and setting of waterfront Château de Chillon that he wrote a poem about it. Nowadays it is one of Switzerland’s most popular attractions.
Freddie Mercury also fell in love with Montreux and a lakefront statue in Place du Marché commemorates this former resident in typical pose, with one arm raised to the heavens. Queen fans flock here for the annual Memorial Day, just one musical festival hosted by this town. The most famous is the 2-week Montreux Jazz Festival, held in the Music & Convention Centre.
On the opposite side of town is Audiorama (the Swiss National Audiovisual Museum), near a funicular railway which climbs the hill. Further up the slopes is the family-friendly Rochers-de-Naye ski area, while the Les Pléiades pistes overlook neighbouring Vevey. Down at the quayside wooden chalets house stalls of the annual Christmas market.
Summer activities include boat trips, hiking and the Montreux-Oberland-Bernois narrow gauge railway whose trains allow you to really savour the views…and a nice cup of coffee.
The train station also connects to Geneva, site of the nearest airport, and Booking.com offers luxury hotels, apartments with views and cheap B&Bs nearby.