Vaata uusimaid hindu ja pakkumisi, valides kuupäevad.
Aia ja sisehoovivaatega külalistemaja Fernweh Harz asub ajaloolises hoones Seesenis, keisripaleest 25 km kaugusel. Kohapeal on terve päeva valve ja välikamin. Location is great, a couple of minutes from the Autobahn and at the same time, very quiet. Keys are available to be picked up independently, I basically did not see the staff / owners. Same for the breakfast which had a good variety of food.
Historik Hotel Garni Christinenhof is set in a 17-century restored timbered building in the old town of Hameln. The 3-star hotel features an indoor swimming pool and a sauna. located in the historic and old part of town. perfect for leisure travel friendly staff. very good breakfast buffet
Aiavaate ja rõduga Bei Conny und Bernd asub umbes 45 km kaugusel Artland Arenast. Kohapeal on ühisköök ja päikeseterrass. Staying with Conny and Bernd on my cycling trip was absolutely perfect! They made me incredibly welcome and the room, WC,kitchen and lounge area were all very cosy and clean and had everything I needed.The location is beautiful. Will definitely be returning!!
Pension Grunwald asub Sehnde'is, 11 km kaugusel messikeskusest Expo Plaza Hannover ja TUI Arena 11 km kaugusel. Majutusruumides on istumisnurk. This has to be one of the best hidden gems in Germany. What a great hotel. Friendly staff, great location and superb bar facilities. The honesty box is a great idea and made it super easy to relax after a long exhibition.
Aia, terrassi, restorani ja baariga Gasthaus Zur Post asub Uetze'is. Beyond expectations!! Such a lovely hosts, very chatty helpful and most important friendly that you have feeling you are staying at your relatives rather than at motelf. Feels like home. Food was amazing ! Everything fresh, vegetable from the garden, meat from the farm. We even got a snack for our doggy 🙏🏼. When comes to breakfast- never had in my life such choice. We felt sorry leaving food on the table as we couldn’t eat that much. Really Sven and Bjorn will look after you ! We had such a pleasant stay and would definitely be back.
Aia, tasuta privaatse parkimise, terrassi ja restoraniga Pension Altes Zollhaus asub Nordenis, 15 km kaugusel Norddeichi raudteejaamast. Beautiful location in the midst of the fields, close to the NorthSea cycle route, very nicely (re)furnished and pleasant atmosphere. Good dinner and breakfast.
Terrassiga hotell Pension Nordzeit asub Norddeichis, vähem kui 1 km kaugusel Norddeichi raudteejaamast, 35 km kaugusel Otto Huusist ja 35 km kaugusel Amrumbanki välulaevast.
Aia ja aiavaatega Vor lauter Bäumen B&B asub Zorges, 19 km kaugusel Harzi rahvuspargist ja 37 km kaugusel Wernigerode raekojast. Külalistemajal on tasuta eraparkla ja tasuta transporditeenus. We were warmly met by Sebastian and Eline, they were very kind to show us everything we needed. The suite was very warm and clean and all utilities were working just fine. There were always enough hot water and the kitchen was fully equipped and had everything for a short stay. The breakfast was very good and tasty. I found it very nice that every guest could set up an own breakfast time. Everything had a spicial touch and charm. The location is a very nice village between mountains. Hiking routes of various lengths are starting just from it. So nice that the disaster killing trees on Harz mountains didn't get there. The sauna and jacuzzi for extra 40€ is absolutely the top. The nearby water stream and of course the trees are quite loud (just as the place's name states) but it didn't irritate us and the windows are completely canceling the noise if you wish. The check-in and check-out process was uncomplicated and on the check-in we received guest cards providing free bus rides and discounts in many establishments of the region.
Vaikse tänavavaatega Pension Blaue Nordseewelle asub Neuharlingersielis, 500 meetri kaugusel Neuharlingersieli rannast ja 7,5 km kaugusel Saksa tõusuvee sadamate muuseumist.
Aiavaatega Gästezimmer Neumair asub Undeloh's, 25 km kaugusel Lopausee pargist ja 36 km kaugusel Heide Park Soltaust. Rõduga majutusasutuses on tasuta eraparkla ja tasuta WiFi-ühendus. Absolutely superior accommodation in a beautiful traditional house with a fantastic garden. The house looks better in reality than in the photos. Check-in was absolutely hassle-free. Thank you
Külalistemaja sihtkohas Norddeich
Populaarne külastajate seas, kes broneerivad külalistemaju regioonis Alam-Saksi
Külalistemaja sihtkohas Leer
Populaarne külastajate seas, kes broneerivad külalistemaju regioonis Alam-Saksi
Külalistemaja sihtkohas Hannover
Populaarne külastajate seas, kes broneerivad külalistemaju regioonis Alam-Saksi
Külalistemaja sihtkohas Neustadt am Rübenberge
Populaarne külastajate seas, kes broneerivad külalistemaju regioonis Alam-Saksi
Külalistemaja sihtkohas Bad Bentheim
Populaarne külastajate seas, kes broneerivad külalistemaju regioonis Alam-Saksi
Külalistemaja sihtkohas Norddeich
Populaarne külastajate seas, kes broneerivad külalistemaju regioonis Alam-Saksi
Regioonis Alam-Saksi saad broneerida 566 külalistemaja.
Enamik külalistemaju pakub tasuta tühistamist.
Regioonis Alam-Saksi reisinud paaridele on meeldinud peatuda hotellides zimmer437, Doppelzimmer Salzhausen ja P.T-Pension.
Samuti on ka neid külalistemaju regioonis Alam-Saksi paarid kõrgelt hinnanud: Heidetraum Pension & Ferienwohnung Arndt, Haus Breslau ja Pension Am Wiesengrund.
Paljudele regiooni Alam-Saksi külastanud peredele on meeldinud peatuda hotellides Haus RAuszeit, zimmer437 ja Pension Schneiderstübchen Hambergen.
Samuti on perega reisijate seas populaarsed hotellid Haus Breslau, Haus Kap Horn ja Pension Blaue Nordseewelle.
INTERGO - Zimmer mit privatem Bad & Gemeinschaftsküche, Villa Pusteblume ja Gästehof Cafe im Schafstall regioonis Alam-Saksi on saanud külastajatelt häid arvustusi seoses vaadetega külalistemajadest.
Regioonis Alam-Saksi peatuvad külastajad on rääkinud häid sõnu ka vaadete kohta neist külalistemajadest: Pension Landart, Vor lauter Bäumen B&B ja Pension Am Wiesengrund.
Muudame regioonis Alam-Saksi külalistemaja broneerimise kiireks ja lihtsaks, pakkudes järgmist.
• Tasuta tühistamine enamikule peatumistele
• Hindade vastavusse viimise garantii
• Ööpäevaringne klienditugi enam kui 40 keeles
Fernweh Harz, Pension Schneiderstübchen Hambergen ja Villa Pusteblume on mõned populaarsed külalistemajad regioonis Alam-Saksi.
Lisaks neile on ka Pension Blaue Nordseewelle, Strandbude Borkum ja Pension Landart regioonis Alam-Saksi populaarsed külalistemajad.
Keskmiselt maksab külalistemaja üheks ööks regioonis Alam-Saksi selleks nädalavahetuseks HK$ 680 (põhineb praegustel hindadel).