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Puerto Maldonado
La Fauna Hotel asub Puerto Maldonados ning pakub basseini vaatega ja sisehoovi vaatega. Külalised saavad kasutada avalikku sauna ja rentida jalgrattaid. Breakfast is amazing, staff were friendly, super clean
Puerto Maldonado
ROSA'S HOUSE asub Puerto Maldonados ning pakub grillimisvõimalust ja ühist puhkeruumi. Selles hiljuti renoveeritud majutusasutuses on võimalik privaatselt parkida. What’s in a name? Rosa is a true rose, a beautiful person inside and out. Her kindness and generosity compel me to write my ONLY review, even though I've explored 103 countries in a decade with! Truth be told, I'm a busy adventure traveler, and it's never been worth my time to review accommodations - until Rosa. Rosa's House is a real and warm home experience in the amazing Amazon Jungle. The wild animal sightings just on her premises rival deeper Amazon sightings: jumping monkeys, flocks of birds including macaws, gigantic tarantulas. The natural and wild splendor was so captivating and mesmerizing I'd forget to care for myself. Rosa gently reminded me to eat and lovingly shared her family's fresh meals cooked from ingredients grown on her land. I started calling Rosa "Mama," as she's a caring mother at heart! Rosa's energy attracts such wonderful characters. Her partner Elvis is equally accommodating and an intellectually creative force. His fantastical art will have you in absolute awe! Their two dogs are adorably tactile and always ready to play. Again, this is my only review because Rosa's House is the best out of the 500+ accommodations I've stayed at!
Santa Rosa
Aiaga Shintuyahotsprings asub Santa Rosas. Võõrastemajas on välibassein, kuumaveeallikate vann ja ühine köök. The closest you can really get to Manu National Park without being on a tour Access to a huge amount of primary jungle so was perfect for taking lots of photos of creatures A hot spring is available 24/7 You can fish for free on the Madre De Dios river Meals are available, made using ingredients from the property. The cooking is very good and very reasonably priced The owner & host, Johan, is very friendly and relaxed, and is very organised and on top of things
Puerto Maldonado
Terrassi ja linnavaatega Makasai Habitaciones asub Madre de Diose piirkonnas Puerto Maldonados. Kogu majutusasutuses on tasuta WiFi-ühendus. Külalistemajas on lameekraaniga televiisor. Very friendly and helpful staff. Very clean and good facilities
Puerto Maldonado
Peaväljak ja kesklinn on 1,5 km kaugusel La Torre Inn asub Puerto Maldonados ning pakub tasuta WiFi-ühendust ja hommikusööki.
Külalistemaja sihtkohas Puerto Maldonado
Populaarne külastajate seas, kes broneerivad külalistemaju regioonis Madre de Dios
Külalistemaja sihtkohas Puerto Maldonado
Populaarne külastajate seas, kes broneerivad külalistemaju regioonis Madre de Dios
Külalistemaja sihtkohas Puerto Maldonado
Populaarne külastajate seas, kes broneerivad külalistemaju regioonis Madre de Dios
Külalistemaja sihtkohas Puerto Maldonado
Populaarne külastajate seas, kes broneerivad külalistemaju regioonis Madre de Dios