Vaata uusimaid hindu ja pakkumisi, valides kuupäevad.
Marina di Bibbona
Villaggio I Sorbizzi asub Marina di Bibbonas liivaranna ees. Kohapeal on bassein, tasuta spordikeskus ja laste mänguväljak. Majutusasutuses on erinevaid majutusruume, kus on lameekraaniga televiisor. Everything was perfect - the villa, the grounds, pool, laguna, beach, facilities, food, staff. Excellent host. Cat Google was a big hit with children, they loved him.
Marina di Castagneto Carducci
Offering a private beach area, Paradù EcoVillage & Resort is set in Marina di Castagneto Carducci in the Tuscany Region, 48 km from Livorno. Volterra is 37 km away. Its a nice place to visit for families with kids specially. But in general its a hideaway from the city and chill out in the forest and sea.
With a total of 3 swimming pools, this charming Tuscan farmhouse has been completely refurbished to offer modern comfortable apartments. It is set in Populonia, a 5-minute drive from the sea. Great atmosphere and facilities.
Majutusasutusel Miramare on moodsad toiduvalmistamise võimalusega bangalod, mis asuvad Toscana rannikul otse mere ääres. Kohapeal on kaks välibasseini ja erarand. Majutusasutuse ees on tasuta parkla. Clean, very confortable, nice place .
Le Calanchiole asub Elba saarel, Capoliverist 2,6 km kaugusel. Kohapeal on konditsioneeriga majutusruumid, restoran ja tasuta WiFi-ühendus avalikes kohtades. Majutusasutusel on erarand. Beautiful mobile home, bungalow Ponenta, nice furnished. Small friendly camping. On the beach there is possibility to tento a boat, for amazing trip on a sea. Your can also to do trip to the highest peak od Elba, to see picturesque views. 15 min far away is beautiful tourist town Calipoveri, with many restaurants, shops.
Marina di Bibbona
Le Esperidi Camping Ecoresort asub männimetsas, kust pääseb otse Marina di Bibbona liivarandadele. Kohapeal on restoran, poed ja tervisekeskus. WiFi-ühendus on tasuta. The great Dog beach and the friendly staff. Great location everything you need in one place.
Marina di Cecina
Just 10 minutes' walk from Marina di Cecina beach, New Camping Le Tamerici offers a summer swimming pool and a range of sports facilities including a volleyball pitch and bowls. nice spacious deck and 2 good size bedrooms plus separate bathrooms. campsite was nice, all the amenities were on site s/a supermarket, shop, bar and restaurant.
Marina di Bibbona
Camping Casa Di Caccia offers air-conditioned mobile homes, direct access to a private beach, and a traditional Tuscan restaurant. Very nice and clean camping, super kind staff, sunbeds and an umbrella on the beach included in the price was a nice bonus. The beach is beautiful, sand and small rocks, very clear water. The restaurant in the resort is amazing, very friendly staff and amazing food! Other shops and restaurants are right next the the camping.
Camping Lacona asub Elba saare lõunarannikul. Kohapeal on suvel avatud välibassein, restoran ja tasuta jalgrattalaenutus. This is an amazing Camping to go with with your children, there is a swimming pool and the beach in 5 minutes walking. Cars are parked outside the camping area in a private place. All the employees are really kind, even when you run out gas at dinner time and offices are closed. There is a market facility to buy important things like bread or beer, also there is a nice restaurant where you can take an italian cofee or having a good meal at lunch or dinner time. Surroundings are peacefull and precious.
All apartments of the Elbamar offer a balcony or terrace with views of the Gulf of Lacona The property is surrounded by Mediterranean plants and is located 1.2 km from a sandy beach. The property is perfectly located, within easy distance to beaches, hiking and towns. It is serene and beautiful, everything you would want in an island vacation
Puhkepark sihtkohas Livorno
Populaarne külastajate seas, kes broneerivad puhkeparke regioonis Province of Livorno
Puhkepark sihtkohas Riotorto
Populaarne külastajate seas, kes broneerivad puhkeparke regioonis Province of Livorno
Muudame regioonis Province of Livorno puhkepargi broneerimise kiireks ja lihtsaks, pakkudes järgmist.
• Tasuta tühistamine enamikule peatumistele
• Hindade vastavusse viimise garantii
• Ööpäevaringne klienditugi enam kui 40 keeles
Villaggio I Sorbizzi, Paradù EcoVillage & Resort ja Poggio all'Agnello Sport & Active Holidays on mõned populaarsed puhkepargid regioonis Province of Livorno.
Lisaks neile on ka Villaggio Miramare, Villaggio Orizzonte ja Camping Lacona regioonis Province of Livorno populaarsed puhkepargid.
Camping Lacona Pineta, Camping Village Scaglieri ja Le Esperidi Camping Ecoresort regioonis Province of Livorno on saanud külastajatelt häid arvustusi seoses vaadetega puhkeparkidest.
Regioonis Province of Livorno peatuvad külastajad on rääkinud häid sõnu ka vaadete kohta neist puhkeparkidest: Camping Casa Di Caccia, hu Park Albatros village ja Camping Lacona.
Regioonis Province of Livorno reisinud paaridele on meeldinud peatuda hotellides Villaggio I Sorbizzi, Le Esperidi Camping Ecoresort ja Paradù EcoVillage & Resort.
Samuti on ka neid puhkeparke regioonis Province of Livorno paarid kõrgelt hinnanud: Camping Lacona, hu Park Albatros village ja Camping Lacona Pineta.
Keskmiselt maksab puhkepark üheks ööks regioonis Province of Livorno selleks nädalavahetuseks HK$ 143 (põhineb praegustel hindadel).
Paljudele regiooni Province of Livorno külastanud peredele on meeldinud peatuda hotellides Villaggio I Sorbizzi, Le Esperidi Camping Ecoresort ja Camping Village Le Calanchiole.
Samuti on perega reisijate seas populaarsed hotellid hu Park Albatros village, Elbamar Lacona ja Poggio all'Agnello Sport & Active Holidays.
Regioonis Province of Livorno saad broneerida 18 puhkeparki.
Enamik puhkeparke pakub tasuta tühistamist.