Ubytovanie Inspiring Views B&B sa nachádza v destinácii Wodonga v regióne Victoria a má balkón a výhľad na mesto. Ubytovanie sa nachádza 17 km od miesta Lauren Jackson Sports Centre a hostia tu majú k dispozícii klimatizáciu, bezplatné Wi-Fi a súkromné parkovisko na mieste. Toto ubytovanie bed and breakfast má kuchynku s chladničkou, mikrovlnnou rúrou a rýchlovarnou kanvicou. Kúpeľňa má sprchu a bezplatné toaletné potreby a k dispozícii sú uteráky a posteľná bielizeň. Hostia si v ubytovaní Inspiring Views B&B môžu vychutnať raňajky formou bufetu alebo kontinentálne raňajky. Hostia môžu v ubytovaní Inspiring Views B&B využívať gril. Hostia ubytovania Inspiring Views B&B môžu v blízkom okolí tráviť čas turistikou alebo môžu oddychovať v záhrade. Letisko (Letisko Albury ) je vzdialené 17 km.

Hosťom, ktorí sa tu ubytovali v páre, sa táto lokalita veľmi páči – pobyt pre dve osoby ohodnotili na 10.

Vzdialenosť uvedená v opise ubytovania je vypočítaná cez © OpenStreetMap

Prednosti ubytovania

Výborná lokalita: Vysoko hodnotená nedávnymi hosťami (10,0)

Informácie o raňajkách

kontinentálne, švédske stoly

Na mieste je k dispozícii súkromné bezplatné parkovisko


Ak chcete vidieť dostupnosť a ceny, vyberte si termín

Typ izby
Počet hostí
1 extra veľká manželská posteľ
Ľutujeme, vyskytla sa chyba. Skúste to znova neskôr.
Hodnotenia hostí


Pomer cena/kvalita
Vysoké hodnotenie v rámci destinácie Wodonga

Vyberte témy, ktoré vás zaujímajú:

Čo sa najviac páčilo hosťom, ktorí sa tu ubytovali?

  • Richard
    Austrália Austrália
    Stunningly beautiful. Incredible artwork in the garden. Super host.
  • Sarah
    Spojené kráľovstvo Spojené kráľovstvo
    I usually try and book overnight stays with views and this is the very best yet . The location is simply stunning and so tranquil. Our plans to eat out changed immediately on arrival and we bought provisions to enjoy on our veranda . Lovely...
  • Jacqueline
    Austrália Austrália
    Absolute stunning place! Exceeded all expectations. Host friendly and helpful. Room very comfortable and well equipped. Loved the collection of antiques to decorate and make it unique. The grounds were fantastic for exploring and spending time in...
  • Edith
    Austrália Austrália
    From the moment we drove the long driveway and spotted the property up on the hill, we were in awe with the room, the facilities, the surroundings with magnificent views, and our beautiful host. Everything was right and our room and bathroom full...
  • Hei-yee
    Spojené kráľovstvo Spojené kráľovstvo
    It was very individual. Although a bit out of town the views at sunset and the stars were magnificent. Arrive early and leave late to take advantage of the ambience. Don’t forget to explore the garden. Something special around every corner.
  • Namita
    Taliansko Taliansko
    We wanted someplace relaxing in nature with reliable facilities for a night’s stay en route home from our annual visit to Sydney. We were pleasantly surprised to find Margie’s very special retreat in the hills near Wodonga with its unique...
  • Jana
    Nemecko Nemecko
    That place is unique - you arrive and you can’t stop stunning and watching. Situated on a top of a hill the view around is amazing, animals are around and lots of green hills and valleys, but while walking around it’s a second discovery journey,...
  • Nril
    Austrália Austrália
    Margaret was the most amazing host and person in general. We were made to feel extremely welcome at this wonderfully different B&B. The suite we stayed in was beautiful, the bed was luxurious and the room was well-equipped and stocked full of...
  • Baz
    Austrália Austrália
    We loved everything. A totally unique and Australian experience and we can't wait to go back. The location was so peaceful, fantastic views, very interesting house and gardens with lots of bird life, well appointed and comfortable accommodation,...
  • Jisang
    Južná Kórea Južná Kórea
    We had a wonderful weekend getaway, just 20 minutes from Albury and 10 minutes from Wodonga. The place is beautiful, and we had no idea it was so close! The views were amazing, with cows and horses grazing nearby. Simply sitting at the table,...

Hodnotenie kvality

Spoločnosť Booking.com udelila tomuto ubytovaniu hodnotenie 3 z 5 na základe faktorov ako vybavenie, veľkosť, poloha a poskytované služby.

Ubytovateľ: Margaret

The King Suite offers a luxurious king size brass bed. Comfy all year round with reverse cycle air conditioning, ceiling fan, central ducted gas heating and fireplaces. The bed faces two French doors that lead to a private elevated balcony complete with tables, chairs, long church pew, an optional hot outdoor shower all overlooking gorgeous garden and valley views. A generous en-suite provides perfect pampering, with claw foot bath/shower, pressed tin walls, antique steam train sink, leadlight and lots of old world curiosities. To complete this package, this suite is fitted with it's own kitchenette, so that you may remain completely private and self sufficient. The included continental breakfast package is most generous. Inspiring Views B&B sits high on a hill with spectacular 360 degree views of mountains, valleys, rolling hills & overlooking Albury/Wodonga on the Murray River. We are on the main route between Melbourne, Canberra and Sydney. Secluded large luxury cedar and rock homestead on 100 acres. Lots of old church features, antiques and artistic detail abound. Large garden filled with 100+ sculptures created by your host, many paths to explore, ponds, and wildlife galore. This is a totally unique experience. This is a quiet retreat to escape the hustle and bustle of city life and stress. Feed and watch the wild native birds (complimentary birdseed ) from the birdfeeder visible from your bedroom window. Visit the Chapel chicken house to collect eggs and enjoy watching the free range chickens and ducks scratching in the garden. Enjoy watching our abundant wildlife and the nearby grazing domestic farm animals. With 360 views there are stunning places to sit and relax everywhere. Try our hammock between the big old gum trees.
So much to see, do and enjoy here. The homestead and all its quirky out buildings are handcrafted from recycled material and totally unique. There is so much more on offer here that is too much to write about in this space. This is a totally memorable experience. The property offers a lot of quiet privacy, but has the bonus of being well located just 10 minutes from all that the twin cities of Albury/Wodonga have to offer. City conveniences include cafes, galleries, markets, restaurants and nightlife as well as the nearby Albury Airport. We are located within the Riverina "Food Bowl" District, famous for growing all kinds of produce, for gourmet products, wineries, breweries, quality restaurants and many other boutique businesses and attractions. The historic and enchanting townships of Chiltern, Beechworth and Yackandandah are well worth visiting and within easy reach. Natural beauty abounds, including the Murray River, Mt Buffalo National Park and Woolshed Falls. The local area also provides activities including wine/beer tasting, fishing, bird watching, walking trails, golf courses, river boat cruises and water sport facilities, bike riding paths and many more.
After hosting international guests for many years, I have now opened Inspiring Views as a unique and special B&B retreat for all to enjoy. I love to share and be around people as this makes life an exciting adventure! I have always loved to create, reuse, recycle, repair and reinvent - and my property is a testimony to this.
Jazyky, ktorými sa tu dohovoríte: nemecky,anglicky

Okolie ubytovania

Vybavenie - Inspiring Views B&B
Skvelé vybavenie – hodnotenie: 9.8

Najobľúbenejšie vybavenie

  • Bezplatné parkovisko
  • Bezplatné Wi-Fi
  • Nefajčiarske izby
  • Raňajky


  • Toaletný papier
  • Uteráky
  • Vaňa alebo sprchovací kút
  • Papuče
  • Súkromná kúpeľňa
  • Toaleta
  • Bezplatné toaletné potreby
  • Župan
  • Sušič vlasov
  • Vaňa
  • Sprchovací kút


  • Posteľná bielizeň
  • Skriňa alebo šatník


  • Výhľad na mesto
  • Výhľad na hory
  • Výhľad do záhrady
  • Výhľad


  • Priestory vhodné na piknik
  • Vonkajší nábytok
  • Vonkajší jedálenský priestor
  • Gril
  • Vybavenie na grilovanie
  • Balkón
  • Záhrada


  • Jedálenský stôl
  • Hriankovač
  • Kuchynský riad
  • Rýchlovarná kanvica
  • Mikrovlnná rúra
  • Chladnička
  • Kuchynka

Vybavenie izby

  • Zásuvka pri posteli


  • Pešia turistika
    Mimo ubytovania

Obývacie priestory

  • Jedálenský priestor
  • Priestor na posedenie

Jedlo a nápoje

  • Ovocie
  • Raňajky na izbe
  • Čajová kanvica/kávovar

Wi-Fi je k dispozícii v izbách a je bezplatné.

Bezplatné súkromné parkovisko je k dispozícii na mieste (rezervácia nie je potrebná).


    • Možnosť vystavenia faktúry

    Zábavné a rodinné služby

    • Spoločenské hry/puzzle
    • Spoločenské hry/puzzle


    • Hasiace prístroje
    • Detektory dymu


    • Len pre dospelých
    • Vyhradený priestor pre fajčiarov
    • Klimatizácia
    • Sieťka proti komárom
    • Drevená alebo parketová podlaha
    • Kúrenie
    • Súkromný vchod
    • Ventilátor
    • Žehliace potreby
    • Nefajčiarske izby
    • Žehlička


    • Celá ubytovacia jednotka umiestnená na prízemí

    Dohovoríte sa

    • nemecky
    • anglicky

    Všeobecné podmienky
    Ubytovanie Inspiring Views B&B prijíma špeciálne požiadavky. Môžete ich pridať v ďalšom kroku!

    od 15:00 do 21:00
    od 6:00 do 10:00
    Storno/ platba vopred
    Podmienky zrušenia rezervácie a platby vopred sa líšia v závislosti od konkrétnej možnosti. Zadajte termín pobytu a skontrolujte si podmienky zrušenia pri vybranej možnosti.
    Ubytovanie s deťmi

    Podmienky týkajúce sa ubytovania detí

    Nie je možné ubytovať sa s deťmi.

    Podmienky týkajúce sa detských postieľok a prísteliek

    Prístelky a detské postieľky nie sú v tomto ubytovaní k dispozícii.

    Žiadne vekové obmedzenie
    Môžu sa tu ubytovať hostia bez ohľadu na vek
    Domáce zvieratá
    Domáce zvieratá sú zakázané.
    Platby cez Booking.com
    Platbu za pobyt od vás v mene ubytovania vyberie Booking.com, nezabudnite si však so sebou vziať hotovosť pre prípad platby za doplnkové služby na mieste.
    Fajčenie nie je povolené.
    Oslavy/podujatia nie sú povolené

    Dôležité informácie pre hostí tohto ubytovania

    V tomto ubytovaní sa nemôžu konať rozlúčky so slobodou a iné podobné oslavy.