eSuítes Congonhas by Atlantica
eSuítes Congonhas by Atlantica
The hotel consists of two towers and was designed to meet the needs of a varied public traveling for business, events or leisure. eSuites Congonhas offers three room categories to meet your accommodation needs. All options include air conditioning, an electronic safe, a private bathroom and a work area. Our first option is the Superior category, where you can choose between a double bed or two single beds. These rooms have 26 m² of comfortable space. For those looking for even more comfort, the Luxury Couple Suite is the ideal choice. Spanning a generous 44 m², this suite offers a double bed, an additional sofa bed and a kitchenette. And for an even better experience, we have the Executive category. These newly renovated rooms offer a modern ambience, with one queen bed or two single beds, as well as complimentary water for your convenience. For leisure moments, guests can relax at the bar, in the heated pools, one indoor and one outdoor, in the sauna and exercise in our Fitness Center and court; We have a complete infrastructure here. Additionally, room service is available 24 hours a day for guests' convenience. We have a completely renovated Convention Center, consisting of 12 rooms that can accommodate up to 300 people in an auditorium. Additionally, we offer a personalized Food & Beverage service to meet the diverse needs of corporate and social events. Strategically located just 550 meters from Congonhas Airport. If you are arriving on a trip, our proximity to the airport makes your stay even more pleasant, especially with our free shuttle service available to take you directly from the hotel to the airport. Furthermore, we are perfectly situated for those planning to attend the main events in the South Zone of São Paulo, such as the Formula 1 Grand Prix, The Town and Lollapalooza, held at the Autódromo de Interlagos. And if your visit is for business or to participate in an event, we are just 8 km from SP Expo, the city's main exhibition center.
Majutuse asukoht meeldib eriti paaridele – nad on andnud sellele hindeks 8,9.
Majutusasutuse kirjelduses toodud kauguste kalkuleerimisel kasutatakse © OpenStreetMapi andmeid
Majutusasutuse populaarseimad mugavused
- Välibassein
- Tasuta Wi-Fi
- Privaatne parkimine
- Lennujaamatransport (tasuta)
- Spordisaal
- Toad mittesuitsetajatele
- Restoran
- Toateenindus
- Baar

Vali teemad, mille kohta arvustusi lugeda
Siin peatunud külastajatele meeldis alljärgnev
- Leila
„The hotel is very close to Congonhas airport and they have a great transfer to the airport. Staff were very friendly and helpful and the room was comfy.” - Akanksha
„Very well located if you’re about to travel domestic out of CGH, we had a suite that gave us a little space with a fridge and microwave, dishwasher etc. Excellent breakfast” - Peterson
„Great location, free shuttle to CGH, good breakfast and attentive front-desk staff.” - Irmgard
Araabia Ühendemiraadid
„I stay here for years... the breakfast is delicious, the staff is nice and the distance to Congonhas is perfect” - Jose
„Nice breakfast with hot meal, large variety of bread. juice, coffee and yogurt. A cleanroom with nice pillows and a wonderful shower. Nice restaurant with average prices.” - Adalberto
„Hotel staff are very friendly and helpful. Reception desk staff are great.” - Stephen
„Our receptionist was extremely friendly welcoming and helpful. I don't speak Portuguese and he was extremely helpful and spoke fluent English with me which was a major help and relief. The porter was also extremely friendly welcoming and helpful....” - SStephen
„The staff were excellent, they want above and beyond.” - Eunice
„As piscinas com certeza são o ponto forte desse hotel, além disso é muito limpo e cheiroso!!” - Marcelo
„Localização muito boa café da manhã com bons ingredientes pessoal muito atencioso bom isolamento acústico”
Hotelli ümbruskond
RestoranidKohapeal 1 restoran
- Restaurante Copa
- EinestamisvõimalusedHommikusöök • Lõunasöök • Õhtusöök
Majutusasutuses eSuítes Congonhas by Atlantica pakutavad mugavused
Majutusasutuse populaarseimad mugavused
- Välibassein
- Tasuta Wi-Fi
- Privaatne parkimine
- Lennujaamatransport (tasuta)
- Spordisaal
- Toad mittesuitsetajatele
- Restoran
- Toateenindus
- Baar
- Privaatne vannituba
- Välimööbel
- Aed
Toit ja jook
- Baar
- Restoran
Internet WiFi-ühendus on saadaval terves hotellis ja on tasuta.
ParkiminePrivaatne parkimine on võimalik kohapeal (eelnev broneerimine ei ole vajalik). Maksumus on R$ 30 parkimiskoha kohta päevas.
- Parkimisteenus
- Parkimine garaažis
- Invaparkimine
- Igapäevane koristusteenus
- Privaatne sisse-/väljaregistreerimine
- PesumajaLisatasu eest
- Ärikeskus
- Lennujaamatransport
- Ööpäevaringne vastuvõtt
- Koosolekuruum/banketisaalLisatasu eest
- Toateenindus
- Tulekustutid
- Videovalve majutusasutusest väljaspool
- Videovalve ühiskasutatavatel aladel
- Suitsuandurid
- Valvesignalisatsioon
- Ligipääs võtmekaardiga
- Ööpäevaringne valve
- Seif
- Suitsetamiseks ettenähtud kohad
- Konditsioneer
- Helikindlad toad
- Lift
- Toad/vahendid erivajadustega külastajatele
- Toad mittesuitsetajatele
- Lastebassein
- Aurusaun
- Spordisaal
- Saun
Personal kõneleb
- inglise
- hispaania
- portugali
Tähtis teadaeSuítes Congonhas by Atlantica võtab vastu erisoove – lisa need järgmisel sammul!
Laste majutamise reeglid
Teretulnud on igas vanuses lapsed.
8-aastastele ja vanematele lastele kehtivad selles majutusasutuses täiskasvanute hinnad.
Et näha korrektset hinda ja teavet täituvuse kohta, lisa otsingusse palun laste arv oma grupis ja nende vanused.
Beebi- ja lisavoodite reeglid
Tasu laste- ja lisavoodite eest ei ole arvatud koguhinna hulka ning nende eest peab kohapeal eraldi maksma.
Lubatud lisa- ja lastevoodite hulk oleneb sinu tehtavast valikust. Lisateabeks vaata palun tehtud toavalikut.
Laste- ja lisavoodid olenevad saadavusest.

Kasulik teadaSelle majutusasutuse külastajate jaoks olulised üksikasjad
According to the Brazilian Federal Law 8.069/1990, minors under 18 years of age cannot check into hotels unless they are accompanied by their parents or a designated adult. If a minor is accompanied by an adult other than his parents, it is necessary to present a written authorisation for the minor to check into the hotel. Such authorisation must be notarised and signed by both parents, and presented along with notarised copies of their IDs.
All minors under 18 years of age also need to present a valid ID with photo, to prove their identity and that of his/her parents. This must be presented even if a minor is accompanied by his/her parents.
In the case of a minor accompanied by only one of the parents, it is necessary to present a notarised authorisation signed by the absent parent, along with a notarised copy of that parent's ID.
Please note that reservation for group of 10 rooms or more are subject to different policies, advance payment, or cancellation by the hotel.