Hotel Villa de Cabrales
Hotel Villa de Cabrales
V nastanitvi Hotel Villa de Cabrales je morda na voljo Genius popust. Če želite preveriti, ali je za izbrane datume na voljo Genius popust, se vpišite.
Genius popusti v tej nastanitvi so odvisni od datumov opravljanja rezervacije, datumov bivanja in drugih razpoložljivih ponudb.
Situated in beautiful countryside in the centre of a charming rural village, this hotel has rustic features and a cosy bar – enjoy fantastic views over peaceful surroundings. Located near the Picos de Europa National Park and the Cares River, the Cabrales is perfectly located for you to make the most of the outdoors with a long country walk, cycle or horse-back ride. The hotel is a renovated country home and retains much of its original charm. Walk under wooden beams in the ceilings and admire rustic decoration including stone walls and antique-style furniture. Prepare for the day ahead with a continental breakfast from the Hotel Villa Cabrales which is served from 08:00 until 10:00 in the charming cafe. Curl up next to the open fireplace in the communal lounge and enjoy a chat with friends or other guests after a day exploring the countryside. You can keep up-to-date on the free, wireless internet connection.
Parom je še posebej všeč odlično lokacija – podali so ji oceno 9,4 za potovanja v dvoje.
Razdalja v opisu nastanitve je izračunana z © OpenStreetMap.
Najbolj priljubljene storitve
- Brezplačno parkiranje
- Brezplačen WiFi
- Družinske sobe
- Sobe za nekadilce
- Postrežba v sobi
Prijavite se in prihranite

Izberite teme in preberite komentarje:
Kaj je bilo všeč gostom, ki so bivali tukaj
- Katrina
“Great location. Clean space and free parking. The option to turn up for breakfast without prior booking the night before.” - Noelle
Velika Britanija
“The room was comfortable,clean and spacious with a little view of the mountains.” - Emily
Velika Britanija
“This hotel was exceptional. My husband became ill and the very helpful reception arranged a doctor’s appointment and taxi to return us and our bicycles to Santander. So friendly and helpful” - Maria
“Stylish and lovely hotel, very clean with beautiful and practical rooms (not too big)with everything you need in the mountains. Great valley view from French windows, reasonably quiet at night. Really loved the spacious hall downstairs with an...” - Rob
Velika Britanija
“Brilliant location for bus to Poncebos and town. Useful to have private parking. View from room was wonderful.” - Joakim
“Great location, friendly staff, beautiful views, clean room.” - Martina
“Fantastic breakfast which we weren't able to finish because there was so much. Comfortable triple room looking out on a little lane. Lovely place to stay for a night or two” - Joanne
Velika Britanija
“The location is fantastic. Central to Las Arenas, with great bakeries, bars and restaurants, and surrounded by beautiful mountains. The property was very clean, comfortable with everything needed for a couple of days stay. On site parking very...” - Fran
“The location was just off the center of town and walkable to many places including the cheese cellars. Near to shops and a fabulous bakery. There was a garage for our car as advertised. The room had a juliette balcony and large bathroom. It...” - Brenda
Velika Britanija
“Very hearty breakfast, set us up for our walk on the Care trail. Room clean and comfortable. Location stunning, in the Picos. Good secure parking for the motor bike.”
Okolica hotela
Storitve nastanitve Hotel Villa de CabralesOdlične storitve! Ocena gostov, 8.4
Najbolj priljubljene storitve
- Brezplačno parkiranje
- Brezplačen WiFi
- Družinske sobe
- Sobe za nekadilce
- Postrežba v sobi
- Toaletni papir
- Brisače
- Kad ali prha
- Lastna kopalnica
- WC
- Brezplačen toaletni pribor
- Kad
- Prha
- Posteljnina
- Izposoja kolesDoplačilo
Medijska in tehnološka oprema
- Telefon
- TV
Internet Brezžična povezava je na voljo v celotnem hotelu brezplačno.
ParkiriščeBrezplačno privatno parkirišče je na voljo pri hotelu (rezervacija ni mogoča).
- Postrežba v sobi
- Ogrevanje
- Dvigalo
- Družinske sobe
- Sobe za nekadilce
Pogovarjamo se lahko v:
- španščina
Hišni redHotel Villa de Cabrales sprejema posebne zahteve - dodajte jih v naslednjem koraku!
Pravila glede otrok
Otroci vseh starosti so dobrodošli.
Za otroke, stare 3 leta in več, se bivanje v tej nastanitvi zaračuna enako kot za odrasle.
Da bi videli ustrezne cene in podatke o kapaciteti, pri iskanju vključite število otrok v vaši skupini in njihovo starost.
Pravila glede otroških posteljic in dodatnih ležišč
Cene za otroške postelje niso vključene v skupno ceno. Zanje plačate posebej med bivanjem v nastanitvi.
Število dovoljenih otroških postelj je odvisno od možnosti, ki jo izberete. Za več informacij preverite možnost, ki ste jo izbrali.
V tej nastanitvi dodatna ležišča niso na voljo.
Vse otroške postelje so odvisne od razpoložljivosti.