Chateau de Montvillargenne
Chateau de Montvillargenne
Sulle võib majutusasutuses Chateau de Montvillargenne kehtida Genius-soodustus. Kui soovid teada, kas sinu valitud kuupäevadeks on Genius-soodustus saadaval, logi sisse.
Genius-soodustused selles majutusasutuses olenevad broneerimiskuupäevadest, peatumiskuupäevadest ja muudest saadaval olevatest pakkumistest.
The Chateau de Montvillargenne is situated in Chantilly, 35 kilometres north of Paris. It is just 20 minutes from Charles de Gaulle airport and offers a peaceful park setting, an indoor swimming pool and spa facilities. The rooms are decorated in a traditional or contemporary French style each with an individual atmosphere. Our chef and his team offer you a gourmet menu featuring regional and seasonal products in the Le Vilargène restaurant, with a view of the garden. Reservation is recommended. Massages and beauty treatments are available on request. There are also mountain bikes. A golf course and horse riding stables are nearby. The Chateau de Montvillargenne is a quiet base from which to explore the Chateau of Chantilly, the Living Horse Museum and the Asterix theme park. Explore our oasis of wellness in the heart of the Château: the Health Club, a bubble of air in our green haven. Let yourself be enveloped by its soothing ambience, refined design and state-of-the-art facilities. Enhanced by views over the park, this space has everything you need to recharge your batteries. Take advantage of the elegantly decorated cabins and the relaxing herbal tea room. Extend your moment of wellness with our sauna & hammam, large bath with terrace and fitness area. Treat yourself to an inner journey by entrusting your wellness to our experts. Thanks to our partnership with the prestigious French cosmetics brand "Maison CODAGE", enjoy tailor-made treatments. Inspired by pharmaceutical traditions, this brand combines craftsmanship and scientific expertise to create exceptional formulas and treatments for everyone.
Majutuse asukoht meeldib eriti paaridele – nad on andnud sellele hindeks 9,1.
Majutusasutuse kirjelduses toodud kauguste kalkuleerimisel kasutatakse © OpenStreetMapi andmeid
Majutusasutuse populaarseimad mugavused
- Sisebassein
- Ilu- ja tervisekeskus
- Tasuta parkimine
- Spordisaal
- Toad mittesuitsetajatele
- Lennujaamatransport
- Restoran
- Toateenindus
- Baar
Logi sisse ja säästa raha

Vali teemad, mille kohta arvustusi lugeda
Siin peatunud külastajatele meeldis alljärgnev
- Evya22
„First trip to this kind of hotrl and it was above our expectations. Well styled, and preserved. Great room waited for us with a crib and a little toy in it and a great kids area, shows that they really welcome families and care about the details....” - Iryna
„Romantic location out of the beaten tracks in the outskirts of Paris and close to Chateaux de Chantilly. Incredible atmosphere of Christmas in the castle.” - Emmanuelle
„Beautiful place and beautiful rooms : restaurant and decoration Nice breakfast and tasty food for dinner” - Michael
„Great building, fantastic interior, very nice feeling overall” - Deb_t
„The chateau was close to CDG airport, so we chose to stay for the night for easy access. The restaurant was not on par. It was warm summer night, no fan or A/C added to an uncomfortable sleep.” - Leon
„The hotel was great. The front facade and communal areas were beautiful. Swimming pool, gym areas are also brilliant.” - Sara
„Experience of the chateau and its history. It was a family treat and we all enjoyed. The pool area was lovely as was the overall atmosphere and staff were very helpful.” - Eugenie
„The breakfast is great, the spa zone with the pool is very nice, the staff is kind. The atmosphere is very relaxing.” - Lydia
„Lovely setting. Repeat customer. New spa and swimming pool plus tennis court and bikes to hire. Food is good including a great breakfast. Not the cheapest but worth the money.” - Eran
„great building, nice gym and pool, garden stunning, quite silent stay”
Hotelli ümbruskond
RestoranidKohapeal 1 restoran
- Le Vilargène
- KöökPrantsuse köök
- ÕhkkondTraditsiooniline
- EridieedidTaimetoitlastele • Vegan • Gluteenivaba
Majutusasutuses Chateau de Montvillargenne pakutavad mugavusedSuurepärased mugavused! Keskmine hinne: 8.6
Majutusasutuse populaarseimad mugavused
- Sisebassein
- Ilu- ja tervisekeskus
- Tasuta parkimine
- Spordisaal
- Toad mittesuitsetajatele
- Lennujaamatransport
- Restoran
- Toateenindus
- Baar
- Sussid
- Tasuta tualetitarbed
- Hommikumantel
- Föön
- Välimööbel
- Päikeseterrass
- Terrass
- Aed
LemmikloomadLemmikloomad on lubatud. Võidakse kohaldada lisatasu.
- Rattarent
- Jalgrattaekskursioonid
- Jalgsiekskursioonid
- Tennisevarustus
- RatsutamineLisatasu eestEemal
- Lauatennis
- PiljardLisatasu eest
- Golfiväljak (maksimaalselt 3 km kaugusel)Lisatasu eest
- Tenniseväljak
- Töölaud
Meedia ja tehnika
- Telefon
Toit ja jook
- PuuviljadLisatasu eest
- Vein/šampanjaLisatasu eest
- LasteeinedLisatasu eest
- Eridieetide menüüd (taotluse alusel)
- Snäkibaar
- Baar
Internet WiFi-ühendus on saadaval terves hotellis ja on tasuta.
ParkimineTasuta privaatne parkimine on võimalik kohapeal (eelnev broneerimine ei ole vajalik).
- Invaparkimine
- Võimalik on arve saada
- Concierge-teenus
- Pagasihoid
- Ööpäevaringne vastuvõtt
Meelelahutus ja teenused peredele
- Lastele mõeldud varustus õues mängimiseks
- Lauamängud/pusled
Puhastus- ja koristusteenused
- Igapäevane koristusteenus
- TriikimisteenusLisatasu eest
- Keemiline puhastusLisatasu eest
- PesumajaLisatasu eest
- Faks/PaljundusmasinLisatasu eest
- ÄrikeskusLisatasu eest
- Koosolekuruum/banketisaalLisatasu eest
- Tulekustutid
- Videovalve majutusasutusest väljaspool
- Videovalve ühiskasutatavatel aladel
- Suitsuandurid
- Valvesignalisatsioon
- Ligipääs võtmekaardiga
- Ööpäevaringne valve
- Seif
- Kogu majutusasutus on suitsuvaba
- Küte
- Lift
- Peretoad
- Toad/vahendid erivajadustega külastajatele
- LennujaamatransportLisatasu eest
- Toad mittesuitsetajatele
- Toateenindus
- Kõrgem WC
- Käepidemetega WC
- Aasta läbi avatud
- Soojendusega bassein
- Jõusaali/spaa riietusruumid
- Jõusaal
- Kogu keha massaaž
- Paarimassaaž
- Jalamassaaž
- Seljamassaaž
- Spaa lounge/lõõgastusala
- Spaa mugavused
- Valgusteraapia
- Kehamähised
- Keha koorimine
- Kehahooldused
- Maniküür
- Depilatsioon
- Näohooldused
- Iluteenused
- Päikesevarjud
- Lamamis- või rannatoolid
- Türgi saun (hamam)
- MassaažLisatasu eest
- Ilu- ja tervisekeskus
- Solaarium
- Spordisaal
- Saun
Personal kõneleb
- inglise
- prantsuse
Tähtis teadaChateau de Montvillargenne võtab vastu erisoove – lisa need järgmisel sammul!
Laste majutamise reeglid
Teretulnud on igas vanuses lapsed.
Et näha korrektset hinda ja teavet täituvuse kohta, lisa otsingusse palun laste arv oma grupis ja nende vanused.
Beebi- ja lisavoodite reeglid
Lastevoodite hinnad ei ole koguhinna hulka arvestatud ja nende eest peab kohapeal eraldi maksma.
Lubatud lastevoodite hulk oleneb sinu tehtavast valikust. Lisateabeks vaata palun tehtud toavalikut.
Selles majutusasutuses ei ole lisavoodid saadaval.

Kasulik teadaSelle majutusasutuse külastajate jaoks olulised üksikasjad
Guests wishing to dine in the restaurant are advised to book in advance. Contact details can be found on the booking information.
Payment is due upon arrival.
When booking more than 4 rooms, special conditions may apply.
Please note that late check-out up to 15:00 is available for an extra charge of EUR 50.
Please kindly note that "Château de Montvillargenne has been awarded the "Clef Verte" sustainability certificate.
Breakfast, included in your room rate, is served buffet-style at the restaurant Le Vilargene. Any breakfast requested in your room will incur an additional charge during your stay.
Please note that the property can only accommodate pets with a maximum weight of 9 kg or less.
Please note that pets will incur an additional charge of 30 Euros per day, per pet.
Please inform the property in advance of your stay if you plan to bring a pet with a weight more than 9 kg on +33 03 44 62 37 37 or via email :