Galbūt galite gauti Genius nuolaidą viešnagei apgyvendinimo įstaigoje High Grassings Country House. Norėdami patikrinti, ar taikoma Genius nuolaida jūsų pasirinktomis datomis, prisijunkite.

Genius nuolaidos šioje apgyvendinimo įstaigoje priklauso nuo užsakymo datų, viešnagių datų ir kitų taikomų pasiūlymų.

High Grassings lies in the heart of the Lake District with views of the surrounding fells. Wray Castle, an impressive castle owned by the National Trust is just 10 minutes' drive away and Tarn Hows is an 8-minute journey by car. The main house has large terrace with seating area where you can sit and relax and take in the views of Esthwaite Water. Esthwaite Water is also a popular fishing venue. All rooms are en-suite and have a TV and WiFi. High Grassings Country House is a 16-minute drive from Grizedale Forest and the cosy hamlet of Hawkshead is less than 2 miles away. The historical town of Ambleside is 13 minutes' drive away and Windermere is just 8 miles away. Langdale Pikes are within 26 minutes' drive.

Poroms ypač patiko nuostabi vieta  – kelionei dviem asmenims ją įvertino 9,4.

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1 dvigulė lova
1 didelė dvigulė lova
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Pasirinkite temas ir skaitykite atsiliepimus:

Kas patiko čia apsistojusiems svečiams

  • Magdalena
    Didžioji Britanija Didžioji Britanija
    The fireplace added a cosy and welcoming touch to the ambience. The room's location was excellent, offering beautiful views and tranquillity. The food was delicious, and while there were no vegan options available for breakfast initially, the...
  • Stephen
    Didžioji Britanija Didžioji Britanija
    Fantastic views. Excellent and friendly host who went of his way.
  • Jo
    Didžioji Britanija Didžioji Britanija
    Perfect location. Beautiful scenery and challenging walks. Hosts very helpful with local knowledge.
  • Teresa
    Didžioji Britanija Didžioji Britanija
    House set in a beautiful location with stunning views at front of the property. Room spacious and lovely comfortable bed. We were served an lovely breakfast each morning. Hosts very knowledgeable about surrounding area, places to eat etc and...
  • Megan
    Didžioji Britanija Didžioji Britanija
    The house was beautiful surrounded by countryside on all sides, the hosts friendly, the breakfast delicious and the rooms clean and well appointed.
  • Russell
    Didžioji Britanija Didžioji Britanija
    The breakfast was really good, just the right amount. We asked for a room with a lake view, and we were certainly not disappointed, it was stunning, getting full advantage of both sun and moon rise, both equally spectacular, (it should be noted...
  • Mark
    Didžioji Britanija Didžioji Britanija
    Beautiful peaceful location with fabulous views. It makes a great base for exploring the mountains and lakes around Ambleside and Windermere.
  • Zack
    Didžioji Britanija Didžioji Britanija
    hosts were lovely. and the location was amazing, breakfast was also very good.
  • Antonia
    Vokietija Vokietija
    Absolutely stunning view food room simply wonderful
  • Cassidy
    Didžioji Britanija Didžioji Britanija
    Hosts were so friendly and welcoming, location and views were gorgeous and room was comfortable- had a great stay! Breakfasts were lovely as well.

Informacija apie šeimininką

Atsiliepimų apie būsto šeimininką balas
Atsiliepimų apie būsto šeimininką balas
Superb Country House fully refurbished providing superior accommodation located in the heart of the Lake District .Views from the property are stunning and you may just decide to sit on the terrace and take in the views and simply relax. You can get a good impression by viewing the short drone video on our Highgrassings website We are nestled between Ambleside,Hawkshead and Coniston and only 18 minutes away by car from Windermere. High Grassings country house stands in an elevated position set in 15 acres of wooded fell side with breath taking mountain and lake views. Our extensive grounds are inhabited by a variety of wild life including red deer, roe deer, red squirrel and a multitude of songbirds.We also have have ponds and streams, which makes this one of the most tranquil settings in the Lake District. We are within walking distance Tarn Hows (once owned by Beatrix Potter) where you can walk around the lake and take in the amazing views of the mountains and fells. Or perhaps walk down to Hawkshead Village where there are a selection of shops and eateries. Also within easy walking distance (15 mins) is the popular local Inn, The Drunken Duck which has a fantastic restaurant and even has its own micro brewery. Ambleside 12 mins by car where you can take a boat trip on Lake Windermere and unwind whilst taking in the splendid views. Later why not visit one of the many eateries Ambleside has to offer from restaurants,inn’s,hotels,fish&chips,tea&coffee shops as well as takeaways offering wide variety of food for all tastes and diets. Visit us - you will be made very welcome!
High Grassings Country House is a superb property located truly in the heart of the Lake District . We love what we do and by offering quality, cleanliness plus good value service and it’s great to see so many happy smiles from our new and returning guests. We look forward to welcoming you to High Grassings Country House.
Located in the heart of the Lake District,between Ambleside,Hawkshead and Coniston and only 18 minutes away from Windermere. High Grassings stands in an elevated position set in fifteen acres of wooded fell side with breath taking mountain views. Our extensive grounds are inhabited by a variety of wild life including red deer, roe deer, red squirrel and a multitude of songbirds.We also have have ponds and streams, which makes this one of the most tranquil settings in the Lake District. We are within walking distance Tarn Hows (once owned by Beatrix Potter) where you can walk around the lake and take in the amazing views of the mountains and fells. Or perhaps walk down to Hawkshead Village where there are a selection of shops and eateries. Also within easy walking distance (15 mins) is the popular local Inn, The Drunken Duck which has a fantastic restaurant and even has its own micro brewery. Ambleside 12 mins by car where you can take a boat trip on Lake Windermere and unwind whilst taking in the splendid views. Later why not visit one of the many eateries Ambleside has to offer from restaurants,inn’s,hotels,fish&chips,tea&coffee shops as well as takeaways offering wide variety of food for all tastes and diets. Coniston only 10 min drive here is where you can climb one of the most popular mountain climbs with wonderful views the famous Old Man of Coniston and on the way down to the car park you might want to stop for refreshments at The Sun above Coniston and relax on the terrace . Where ever you look you will just love to take in the views . Enjoy.
Kalba šiomis kalbomis: anglų,kinų

Apgyvendinimo įstaigos apylinkėse

High Grassings Country House patogumai
Šaunūs patogumai! Atsiliepimų balas: 9.6

Populiariausi patogumai

  • Nemokama vieta automobiliui
  • Nemokamas belaidis internetas
  • Numeriai nerūkantiems
  • Kavos / arbatos ruošimo rinkiniai visuose numeriuose

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  • Privatus vonios kambarys
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  • Deginimosi terasa
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  • Elektrinis virdulys

Numerių patogumai

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Medija ir technologijos

  • Plokščiaekranis televizorius
  • Televizorius

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  • Specialios dietos meniu (pagal užsakymą)
  • Arbatos / kavos aparatas

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    • Pervežimo paslaugos
    • Bendra poilsio / televizijos salė
    • Bagažo saugykla
    • Skubus įregistravimas / išregistravimas

    Pramogos ir paslaugos šeimai

    • Stalo žaidimai / dėlionės


    • Gesintuvai
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    • Stebėjimo kameros bendro naudojimo patalpose
    • Dūmų detektorius
    • Įėjimas naudojant raktus


    • Tik suaugusiems
    • Speciali vieta rūkymui
    • Antialerginis numeris
    • Šildymas
    • Lyginimo įranga
    • Numeriai nerūkantiems


    • Į viršutinius aukštus galima pakilti tik laiptais

    Sveikatinimo procedūros

    • Deginimosi gultai arba paplūdimio kėdės

    Viešbučio kalbos

    • anglų
    • kinų

    Vidaus taisyklės
    High Grassings Country House priima ypatingus pageidavimus! Nurodykite juos kitame užsakymo etape.

    Nuo 16:00 iki 19:00
    Nuo 08:00 iki 10:00
    Atšaukimas / išankstinis apmokėjimas
    Atšaukimo ir išankstinio apmokėjimo nuostatai skiriasi priklausomai nuo apgyvendinimo tipo. Įveskite savo viešnagės datas ir patikrinkite pageidaujamo varianto sąlygas.
    Vaikai ir lovos

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    Šioje apgyvendinimo įstaigoje vaikiškos lovelės ir papildomos lovos nesiūlomos.

    Amžiaus apribojimas
    Minimalus amžius norint įsiregistruoti turi būti 18 m.
    Su augintiniais apsistoti negalima.
    Mokėjimai per nuskaičiuoja mokėjimą už šią viešnagę apgyvendinimo įstaigos vardu, tačiau būtinai pasiimkite grynųjų, kurių gali prireikti papildomoms paslaugoms įsigyti viešnagės metu.
    Renginiai ar vakarėliai neleidžiami
    Ramybės valandos
    Svečiai privalo laikytis ramybės nuo 23:00 iki 07:00.

    Informacija, kurią reikia žinoti šios apgyvendinimo įstaigos svečiams

    For satellite navigation please use this post code - la220pu.

    Please note check-in/reception closes at 19:00. It is only possible to gain later check-in subject to gaining prior written confirmation from the property. Also each additional or part of hour over 19:00 will be charged at GBP 20. If arrival after 19:00 without prior email confirmation from the property, access will not be permitted, it will be treated as no show and the full cost of stay will be charged.

    Please note the property cannot process card payments.

    Due to COVID 19, guests will be required to pay for their booking (if not already paid in advance) on the morning of check-out via a bank transfer. This is to limit the amount of contact between guests and staff.

    Šioje apgyvendinimo įstaigoje nerengiami mergvakariai, bernvakariai ar panašūs renginiai.

    Ramybės valandos yra nuo 23:00:00 iki 07:00:00.