Nastanitev Merchants Town House - Catherine Hill se nahaja 6,9 km od znamenitosti pustolovski park Longleat in 13 km od znamenitosti Tematski park Longleat House ter ponuja brezplačen WiFi in vrt. Ta počitniška hiška se nahaja 24 km od znamenitosti Železniška postaja Bath Spa Train Station in 25 km od znamenitosti Muzej The Roman Baths. Počitniška hiška ponuja verando, več spalnic (3), dnevno sobo in dobro opremljeno kuhinjo s hladilnikom. V počitniški hiški imate na voljo brisače in posteljnino. Znamenitost Univerza v Bathu je 22 km od nastanitve Merchants Town House - Catherine Hill, znamenitost Opatija Bath Abbey pa je 24 km stran. Letališče Bristol je 47 km stran od nastanitve.

Razdalja v opisu nastanitve je izračunana z © OpenStreetMap.

Prednosti nastanitve

Naj lokacija - Visoko ocenjena s strani nedavnih gostov (9,6)


Izberite datume, da bi videli razpoložljivost in cene te nastanitve

Vrsta nastanitve
Število gostov
Spalnica 1
1 zelo velika zakonska postelja
Spalnica 2
1 zakonska postelja
Spalnica 3
1 zakonska postelja
Dnevna soba
1 raztegljiv kavč
Prišlo je do napake. Poskusite znova kasneje
Komentarji gostov


Razmerje cena / kvaliteta
Brezplačen WiFi
Visoka ocena za mesto Frome

Izberite teme in preberite komentarje:

Kaj je bilo všeč gostom, ki so bivali tukaj

  • Prendergast
    Velika Britanija Velika Britanija
    Fantastic property, wonderful property managers, helpful and friendly. All the mod cons you want when staying away from home, tasteful decor. Great size, with spacious rooms. Lovely to see and hear the hustle and bustle of the monthly market....
  • A
    Velika Britanija Velika Britanija
    It’s was nice area but it was very noisy at evenings when people out drinking - you can hear everything. Didn’t get a good night sleep because of the noise outside. It was very central
  • James
    Brunei Darussalam Brunei Darussalam
    House of great character, beautifully cleaned and maintained. Kitchen facilities excellent.
  • Vaughan
    Irska Irska
    Gemma and Matt were very responsive and kept in touch throughout our entire stay. The house is absolutely beautiful.
  • Karen
    Velika Britanija Velika Britanija
    Great location for Frome highlights. Cosy rooms with lovely decor and space for dining.
  • Margaret
    Avstralija Avstralija
    Everything. Beautiful spacious home with everything you could need especially travelling with children
  • Ann
    Velika Britanija Velika Britanija
    Excellent location, in the centre of Frome near to shops, restaurants etc.
  • Jack
    Velika Britanija Velika Britanija
    Place was perfect for us . We work in and around the area so having this place was great. It was home from home. Very clean spacious lovely area. We have tried getting back in this property but it's always now full but we will get back ....
  • A
    Velika Britanija Velika Britanija
    The house was beautiful, comfortable and immaculate. I would recommend this property

Ocena kakovosti je kakovosti te nastanitve podelil oceno 4 od 5 na podlagi dejavnikov, kot so oprema, velikost, lokacija in ponujene storitve.

Upravlja: Gemma

Ocena komentarjev podjetja: 9,3Na podlagi 207 komentarjev od 17 nastanitev
17 upravljanih nastanitev

Podatki o podjetju

My Boutique Stay Whether a family break or a romantic getaway, we understand that time together is precious. So, we created ‘My Boutique Stay. A collection of unique and beautiful self-catering properties. Each offering you and your loved ones, an experience to remember. From single rooms, to luxury apartments and large family homes, we can cater to your every need. Each property is truly a home from home. Equipped with all the necessities to make your stay as enjoyable as possible. It’s the details that make a stay a ‘Boutique Stay’. To check availability or to book, please contact ‘My Boutique Stay’ direct, so we can assist and advise you.

Podatki o nastanitvi

This old merchants house stands at the heart of trendy frome, along the famed Catherine Hill. Recently refurbished with love and lashings of style. There is ample entertaining space, separate dining room, well equipped kitchen and courtyard garden. Upstairs 3 comfortable bedrooms with Nature mat mattress the finest linens. Exquisite double aspect sitting room with OLED TV, cobbled views and the very best furniture befitting of any merchant. All perfectly situated to all this town has to offer.

Informacije o soseski

Frome is a vibrant market town dating back to the 17th century. Its cobbled streets are filled with interesting and intriguing spots to visit. Boutique shops and artisan produce to peruse, an array of independent bars and restaurants, there is something to suit every taste and budget. Whether you want to explore the numerous historic buildings, stroll through one of its parks or take in a show, Frome won’t disappoint. Permanent fixtures include the museum and art centre, whilst scheduled events are also a great pull for the area. The most famous being the Frome Independent Market, taking place on the 1st Sunday of the month. The town is surrounded by intriguing places to visit. You have Babington House (Soho House Group members), Bruton, with the fabulous Hauser and Wirth art gallery, Stourhead house and gardens, Wells Cathedral and Nunney Castle, to name just a few. The local train station has frequent trains to Bath and Bristol. There are also fantastic bus links to the surrounding towns of Glastonbury, Wells and so on. There is even a car share and electric bike hire through the the local council, see discoverfrome website for more information.

Jeziki, ki jih v nastanitvi govorijo:


Okolica nastanitve

Storitve nastanitve Merchants Town House - Catherine Hill
Odlične storitve! Ocena gostov, 9.6

Najbolj priljubljene storitve

  • Brezplačen WiFi

Parkiranje ni možno.

Brezžična povezava je na voljo v celotnem hotelu brezplačno.


  • Visok otroški stolček
  • Kuhinjska posoda
  • Kuhinja
  • Pralni stroj
  • Hladilnik


  • Posteljnina


  • Brisače
  • Sušilec za lase

Medijska in tehnološka oprema

  • TV

Oprema v sobi

  • Obešalnik za oblačila
  • Zaseben vhod
  • Oprema za likanje

Na prostem

  • Zunanje pohištvo
  • Veranda
  • Vrt

Hrana in pijača

  • Oprema za pripravo čaja/kave

Zabava in storitve za družine

  • Knjige, DVD-ji ali glasba za otroke
  • Namizne igre oz. sestavljanke


  • Prepovedano kajenje v vseh prostorih
  • Ogrevanje

Pogovarjamo se lahko v:

  • angleščina

Hišni red
Merchants Town House - Catherine Hill sprejema posebne zahteve - dodajte jih v naslednjem koraku!

Od 16:00
Nastanitev morate vnaprej obvestiti o času prihoda.
Do 10:00
Odpoved / predplačila
Pravila o odpovedi in predplačilu se razlikujejo glede na vrsto nastanitve. Prosimo, vnesite datume svojega bivanja in preverite pravila za želeno možnost.
Otroci in ležišča

Pravila glede otrok

Otroci vseh starosti so dobrodošli.

Za otroke, stare 18 let in več, se bivanje v tej nastanitvi zaračuna enako kot za odrasle.

Da bi videli ustrezne cene in podatke o kapaciteti, pri iskanju vključite število otrok v vaši skupini in njihovo starost.

Pravila glede otroških posteljic in dodatnih ležišč

0 - 2 leti
Posteljica na zahtevo

Število dovoljenih otroških postelj je odvisno od možnosti, ki jo izberete. Za več informacij preverite možnost, ki ste jo izbrali.

V tej nastanitvi dodatna ležišča niso na voljo.

Vse otroške postelje so odvisne od razpoložljivosti.

Starostna omejitev
Najnižja dovoljena starost za prijavo je 18 Plačila prevzame vaše plačilo za to bivanje v imenu nastanitve. Svetujemo vam, da imate ob prihodu v nastanitev pri sebi tudi nekaj gotovine za morebitna doplačila.
Kajenje ni dovoljeno.
Zabave/dogodki niso dovoljeni
Hišni ljubljenčki
Hišni ljubljenčki niso dovoljeni.

Ključne informacije za goste v tej nastanitvi

V tej nastanitvi ne sprejemajo fantovščin, dekliščin ali podobnih zabav.